The Mayor of the city that I live in (North Ridgeville, Ohio) is a total scumbag. The guy used to live a few houses down from me off of Broad Blvd. in what is known as “The Swamps”. The entire time that he lived here our streets were readily plowed when it snowed, especially Broad Blvd. I didn’t put two and two together until I realized that the Mayor moved last year to a different part of the city.
The first thing that I started noticing this year was that our streets weren’t getting plowed hardly at all. I placed a call to the city to ask them what the delay was and they assured me that Broad Blvd. would be plowed. First it was an issue with the salt not being available and then it was something with scheduling to have it done, just one excuse after another. Then a fellow neighbor of mine brought up a good point. The Mayor had moved.
Ever since Mayor Gillock moved our street plowing service has gone caput. I took the time to drive by his residence earlier this year when it had actually snowed considerably and wouldn’t you know it his street was immaculate, yet the swamps and Broad Blvd. were just packed snow. A truck came by only a few times that I ever could recollect and the side streets were even worse down here because the only way the roads were getting plowed was by the cars that were driving on them and packing down the snow.

I think that this is a total jackass move and abuse of power. Just because this guy is the Mayor it doesn’t mean that the snow plows should stop coming to a certain area just to meet his needs. I did some further research as well, he’s also one of the highest paid Mayors around and this is because he holds two positions technically as he removed a position upon taking office stating “it wasn’t useful”. Yet his pay sure indicates that it’s useful in some format. What made me think of this by the way was the fact that it’s snowing again.
Fun Fact: Mr. Gillock who now resides at (address removed) with his wife and once again drug addict/woman abusing/prostitution pimping grandson Charlie Gillock.
The Bottom Line: The Mayor has one of the worst track records in the history of a Mayor. Let’s just run it by you really quick folks. Mayor Gillock illegally had his grandsons father hired for reasons that would benefit him and his family financially (which resulted in a woman being raped and the city being sued), he harbored a known sex-offender & pimp under his own roof (that being his grandson Charlie Gillock), he also wielded his power and influence as the Mayor to help him evade some serious charges and convictions pertaining to two high school incidents that took place when Charlie was a juvenile. The Mayor has allowed Chief Freeman to get away with everything from obstruction of justice to police brutality to even the mismanagement of his entire police department. The Mayor also has made horrible business decisions across the board for the city. Check the references at the bottom of this page for all the juicy details.
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Plow ALL of your tax paying citizens streets. Regardless if they are considered to be in a lower economic area or not, this is just pure blasphemy. Mayor Gillock should be ashamed by his actions.