The Cuyahoga County Jail is in need of some serious readjustments. As an officer at this jail, I have been targeted by not only a certain corporal and select sergeants, but the Warden and the head of HR, those being Warden Ivey and Leah Harris. There is a serious issue when the head of HR admits to you in a back office how she doesn’t like me… Simply because I speak my mind when lies are fed to my face – regardless of what the contract may or may not say.
I was unjustly placed on a leave of absence for almost 9 months. Finally, after jumping through all of their hoops and hurdles I returned to work. Only to find that I have a bigger target on my back. They’ve said I will receive no back pay, if I’m subpoenaed to court, that’s my problem they will not cover it. They have taken all of my vacation time, not paid me for it, and gave me awol for all of my FMLA time.
Furthermore I was vindicated in my absence. I wasn’t charged with a crime – I didn’t do anything wrong and have worked extremely hard to be a dedicated, loyal and proficient Corrections Officer. What has been done to me isn’t just unfair, but it’s illegal. Violating the HIPAA law? Really?
HAWK Says: Violating HIPAA laws is a serious offense and can result in heavy fines and even jail time. To the submitter of this article, could you please provide us with the email correspondence of the violation that took place? It sure would be nice to see featured…
“Moral has nothing to do with it, Moral is our paycheck”. – WARDEN

At Cuyahoga County Jail, Hippa laws are being broken at the same time… As I have emails showing the head of HR discussing my issues with my DR. via email. These are just some of my personal issues, but I know and speak for all of my co workers when I say that they treat us and speak to us like garbage and then wonder why the call off rate is so high. And in the words of our Warden Ivey “Moral has nothing to do with it, Moral is our paycheck”.
The Bottom Line: Cuyahoga County Jail has a plethora of issues stemming from the top all the way on down to the bottom. Not only do they continuously lack and directly disregard bargaining agreements, court orders (example: to release videos of assaults on inmates) and engage in workplace harassment but they violate several laws in the process. A jail is designed to protect society from those that perpetuate crimes against our communities. Why is it that the Correction Officers who do such a good job protecting and serving are continuously being treated like garbage? This is creating a dangerous and murky atmosphere, one that will only lead to more issues (and exposures) from within the C.C.J.
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Any individuals who are in a position of power at the C.C.J. this is your final wake-up call (do you even give a shit? do you think your untouchable?). There is a plethora of articles pending for release that are being prepped against your institution. This is only going to get worse and being that you continue to add fuel to the fire on a daily, it’s not going to bode well in the end. Unions protect your jobs extensively, but not even the Union can protect your ass when you keep deliberately (on record and with documents to prove so) violating the law, agreements (setup by your Union) and so forth. Tic toc…