A David vs. Goliath (Scumbagged vs. TheDirty) battle appears to be taking shape in the Federal Courts this coming week. This morning Scumbagged.com received an official email from David Gringas, the widely known attorney who has represented Nik Richie & TheDirty.com for years.
That email specifically cited an article that was recently published on Scumbagged regarding TheDirty.com’s Nik Richie. In that article TheDirty was allegedly exposed for accepting payments from sites like ReputationStars.com & RemoveTheDirty.com. These payments in question that have supposedly been rendered to TheDirty LLC. are labeled as “donations” but appear to be a new-age form of extortion that is taking place behind the scenes.
The email sent from David Gringas also referenced Scumbagged.com’s Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Copyright & Legal FAQ’s pages. All of which we assumed were in the free and clear to use outside of the Copyright Page which is a registered copyright work to David Gringas. Scumbagged.com’s webdesigner allocated this copyright page from a third party website (www.beware.org) unrelated and unknowingly infringing on any copyright whatsoever. Those pages have since been updated.
Nik can’T have this sort of false info published online about him.”
“Over the weekend, a post on your site Scumbagged.com was brought to my attention which claimed – 100% falsely – that Nik Richie is engaged in “highly illegal” activities including extortion and blackmail. Normally, Nik doesn’t really care when people talk trash about him. That comes with the territory. However, in this instance every detail of your story was totally and completely false. In addition, for reasons that I won’t bore you with, Nik cannot have this sort of false information published online about him.”

ERRATIC Says: Hey Nik, what’s a matter? Did your feelings get hurt or are you running scared? Which is it? You’re nothing but a pretentious dick who swims in fucking casino fountains during drunken stupors and runs your mouth on and offline. Lastly, hiding behind your little attorney, pulling strings thinking your immortal and can bulldoze people however you see fit. Not so fast scumbag…
Stephen Toner, a representative of Scumbagged reached out to Mr. Gringas via telephone this afternoon & during their conversation Mr. Gringas attempted to obtain $4,000 through an online payment gateway. This payment would be made in order to prevent additional court proceedings regarding the alleged Copyright Infringement.

“I understand and these kind of things aren’t personal just so you know, it’s just the way the law works.” – David Gringas
Actually, no, it’s not the way the law works David, but you already know that. Just a few words for you that you might understand… Unknowingly, Zero Damages, Immediate Takedown. Unlike all the clients you face in court and the individuals you have bullied (and probably swindled) over the years, you’re not about to intimidate us that easily. How does it feel to be on the opposite end of the spectrum by the way?
In Nik Richie’s world his bullying tactics have for the most part worked profoundly in court, although not in all instances has he come out victorious.
- In 2015 an Arkansas women was awarded $1.25 million for defamatory comments that were made on TheDirty.com
Fun Fact: Nik is also going through another court proceeding as we speak which brings the grand tally of lawsuits to 43 (forty-three).
The article that has stirred up all of the controversy regarding Nik Richie and TheDirty.com can be found below.
Readers Note: Scumbagged.com has personally taken a stance to not accept any extortion/blackmail donations (we’ve been approached with more than $10,300 so far in attempted takedowns). Any court proceedings and information that are allocated moving forward will also result in subsequent articles on Nik Richie, TheDirty LLC. and his attorney.
The Bottom Line: It’s okay for Nik Richie & TheDirty.com to put anyone and anything on blast whenever they want, but don’t go posting about them. Oh no! Don’t you even dare! We are eagerly looking forward to the upcoming court proceedings.
Our official response to Nik Richie and his attorney are as follows:

SCUMBAGGED Tip: Nik Richie and TheDirty.com need to just shut down already. Their website traffic is drying up, the atmosphere has gone stale and now this… If they have become this sensitive to topics and articles around the web then they are in the wrong fucking business. You need a tampon over there Nik? Do ya?