All individuals with Gross Sexual Imposition that are currently being housed at the Lorain County Jail can be found within this article. Each alleged case has their own article with a breakdown of specific information. You can find all individuals currently locked up in the Lorain County Jail by clicking here. This information contains the date of their incarceration, case number, charge, arresting agency, next court date, location of the events, bond information & more.
Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty. However, the majority of those found on our website will ultimately be found guilty in the court of law. We will try our best to regularly maintain these sections in conjunction with the Lorain County Jail. Whenever they make updates, we will make updates.
Readers Note: You can click on the image of the inmate or the title to be taken to a more detailed Scumbagged page pertaining to the offender.
Molesters in Lorain County Jail
Actively incarcerated | Last Updated: April 22, 2018
More Lists Below Once You’re Done
- Locked Up Edition: Drug Dealers in the L.C.J
- Locked Up Edition: Rapists in the L.C.J
- Locked Up Edition: Murderers in the L.C.J
- Locked Up Edition: Thieves in the L.C.J
- Locked Up Edition: Junkies in the L.C.J
- Locked Up Edition: Violators in the L.C.J
Vittorio R. Soto – Locked Up for Gross Sexual Imposition – No Bond (Lorain, Ohio)

Michael E. Kovacic – Locked Up for Gross Sexual Imposition – $7,500 Bond (Elyria, Ohio)

Corey O. Basham – Locked Up for Gross Sexual Imposition – $20,000 Bond (Lorain, Ohio)

Charles D. McDougal – Locked Up for Gross Sexual Imposition – $500,000 Bond (Amherst, Ohio)