Kristi Fitch, 41, of Amherst Ohio was using heroin on August 28th, 2017, on the way to the Ford assembly plant. While en route she nodded out and crashed into Vicki Hill’s Jeep Liberty. Vicki’s car burst into flames and she was burned alive. The charges are still pending against Kristi, but her family history of heroin use keeps going on. She lost custody of both her kids due to her heroin problem and selling oxycontin. And as of this writing she is still doing both.
Two weeks ago she drove her white Chevy Malibu to go pick up her son and lover Tyler Young. She helped him escape from a court ordered rehab facility. She is currently hiding him in Amherst, located at 584 Jackson Street where the paramedics and cops are very familiar.
Kristi gave her son his first oxycontin at 13 years old. She has been getting high with him ever since. They have been seen walking around holding hands, kissing and even in bed together. They both have Hep C and Kristi was on a recording in March talking about how she has anal warts. She sleeps around, doesn’t tell people about her diseases or the fact that she frequently has open sores and shares needles. She admits to never using protection either. Her and her son drive around robbing people, stealing TV’s and selling drugs to Kristi’s co-workers at the Ford Motor Plant.

Kristi didn’t have her own friends and always liked underage boys so she did drugs with her sons friends in high school and she was the one that got Farrah on heroin. Farrah died by the very needles that Kristi gave her. Kristi is the true scumbag of Lorain County, running around robbing people, stealing from people, and spreading diseases.
HAWK Says: The word “Scumbag” wouldn’t even begin to describe the atrocities listed in this article if what is stated is true…

The Bottom Line: According to the Elyria Municipal Court and an online news article published by The Chronicle located here, the charge for her OVI was dismissed pending an investigation.
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Remember folks, we don’t vet any of the articles that are submitted, we’re not the truth police. However, if the above aforementioned individual and the statements about her prove to be true, it would be wise to steer clear, literally and figuratively speaking.
Heroin Addiction Information: If you, or anyone reading this has drug related issues of any kind you can check into a rehab for free courtesy of the Wellington Police Department. You can call them: (440) 647-2244 or contact them via messenger on their Facebook page:
You are sharing defaming and slanderous remarks. As a person close to the truth in regards to all matters I am ANGRY and APPALLED by this link regarding Kristi Fitch! How about doing some investigatory research on such matters. You open a platform for any slighted individuals to further harass individuals through a new avenue. The poster of this is currently facing charges re: the party you so viciously have attacked here! He is a raging psychopath who has continually harassed Kristi into having no choice but to file charges on multiple matters. This person has no criminal charges! The investigation to the crash is over. No formal charges have been made on the matter. Minor traffic citations were issued. The case is closed not pending further investigation as your writer has stated. The family of the woman who perished has filed suit to Chrysler due to a known recall for exploding gas tanks. On the matter of a inceto, you are some deranged sick people to share drama in that regard with nothing to support this statement, spreading pure evil gossip! As for losing her children I implore you to find a charge against her.
Enraged Citizen
In a nutshell: We’re not the truth police. is an open forum that allows it’s users to submit articles at their own free will. Each submitter must agree to our Terms of Service which specifically states that articles be factually based and to not engage in any illegal activity whatsoever. This article is not in violation of our ToS regarding legal definition and as far as it’s validity, that is entirely left up to the submitter. We are sorry that you feel the way that you do, but this is how we operate.
P.S. Whether you realize it or not, you’re no different than the submitter of this article as you’ve submitted zero factual evidence to support your claims.
Charges are still pending for the crash. There is no way she is going to kill someone in a crash and not get charged. Your out of your mind if you think it’s over. Because it’s not. It takes a year or more for vehiclar homicide.
This is extremely disrespectful involving a girl that is now dead. This lady had nothing to do with her death at all and to be brought up in an article about kristi fitch while she is dead is absolutely disgusting.
Please only use one username, we’ve changed this username from Courtney to Citizen. Attempting to utilize two usernames to make your statements seem more validated will not fly here on In fact, by you doing so only shows the desperation in your attempts to negate this article in its entirety.
Attention Readers: Please refrain from this type of activity. After an initial warning, if done again the I.P address of the duplicate account will be banned from visiting our website permanently. Thanks!
What do u mean she had nothing to do with it she was high on heroine and passed out??
Regarding the”Bottom Line”, The charges were dismissed so they could investigate more serious charges. Police chief compares a similar case here:.
here is a news article of paramedics coming to that house for Tyler Young overdosing and the family narcanning him.
San Adams. I know who you are and how you’ve been harassing this family. You are the lowest form of life. Spreading lies and putting the address of this family online putting the safety of a toddler and 3 women in jeopardy because you don’t like being rejected. I understand your fragile ego was damaged and this behavior makes you feel like a big strong man but you are a disgusting coward and everyone knows it. By the way how was court? Not fun for you I heard. Here’s the link to the Lorain county courts public records search I did on Kristi.
The ovi is gone and continues to be gone over a year later and no other charges have been filed. I haven’t seen any drug charges against Kristi and the article you posted on her son is from over 3 years ago. Regardless, if you’re going to go after a person claiming their a scumbag for having a child or family member addicted to heroin you’ll be going after most of Lorain county or maybe you haven’t noticed the Heroin epidemic in the news EVERY DAY? I also provided you a link to an article I found about the crash, the recall on Mrs.Hill’s Jeep that caused the explosion and a quote from law enforcement about the OVI being dropped and the continuing investigation into “excessive speed” from over a year ago. Which didn’t result in further charges. Which you know because you’ve been obsessively stalking Kristi. The only scumbag here is you Sam Adams grow up, seek help for you mental illness. I’ve provided you a link to mental health resources in the area since you seem unable to look these things up for yourself.
Good luck with your recovery
Here’s a link to a local newspaper explaining the OVI was dropped 1 day after the accident
Almost all of the claims made here by the OP are slanderous. He’s been harassing this woman and her family for several months and they going to court about it. Is there a private way to send the information showing why all of these claims are bogus that respects the privacy of the victim/subject? Or are you admins of this page as big of scumbags as the people you’re exposing here? Because, you’re allowing this man to break the law using your website. He’s been court ordered to quit harassing her and he’s using this platform to do so with anonymity and your protection.
This is the original citizen: this is my second post not the second person that u changed name of. You want proof fucktard Robert M. Miller @
This is citizen not Courtney’s post. Allow me to share some facts on th we scumbag!
your Humana fighting this article, when it was written by a woman, your family is so embarassed by all the lies that you try to push it off on one decent human who got away from your psychotic drug infested family. Stop blaming the people that reject the Fitch family and start looking at yourselves, drug dealers, thieves, and drama queens who make up false police reports
I am commenting against my own better judgement. I have so much to say but I will just simply say this, please DO NOT comment on what you think is going on as far as what me and my family are doing, who we are suing, etc. You couldn’t begin to imagine the things we are going through. Have your own tirade against whoever wrote this article but do not speak on my mother or us. And if you read articles correctly since you are all posting links, it was 8months ago TODAY mu mother died not over a year ago. Defend your friend or whatever you call yourselves doing but also have some decency for the ones who are dealing with the tragedy of losing a loved one.
according to the Lorain County prosecutor’s office, the investigation is still ongoing and they’re looking into more serious charges against Kristi Fitch
the blood work from the hospital has yet to be released, that’s where they will see the heroin metabolites in her blood
I love how the Fitch family and their three only friends jumped on this post and completely ignore the facts and just try to blame it on one guy, well the police are out looking for Tyler Young because they helped him escape from rehab And they sell drugs out of their house. This website Exposed the incest, drug-dealing, and thieves that this family really is.
My life has changed tremendously since that morning. You wouldn’t even know my name if it had been just a normal accident. I was given 4 points on my license there is a case #. You may or may not agree with that, god gave you free will. Yes, I have a restraining order on said article creator. This is just a disgusting ploy. I know because I’ve been through it several times with Sam Adams and said alias. Still going through it. But in the end I’m free and away from an abusive narcissist. Sometimes you just have to defend yourself. I thought it was time to start speaking out. Subpoenaed records will tell the story of gaslighting and abuse.
Then why do you, the so called man who posted this article, Bobby Miller AKA Robert M. Miller in all the Lorain County Court systems as the second name listed, drive by Kristis house and then message her on Instagram telling her what you did? Are you now a stalker? That’s why she is in Elyria Municipal Court as a defendant against you for a no contact order. I have much more to say but I’m not wasting my time on this scumbag. Why do you want to be her boyfriend so bad if you feel this way about her. Now go back to sleep in you little car and make sure you shower at the truck stops before you go risk others lives cutting down trees somewhere. And thanks for getting a job (so u can afford your dope habit) right next to where my sister works. Stalker?
Lol. A family of junkies. The fitch famiky is hell. Everyone knows stay away.
it’s so funny how a family of liars and drug dealers, who are riddled with diseases, and I think they know the truth. Well Kristi Fitch lied to them 12 times and took off sucking her ex-boyfriends dick behind their back. she lets out part of the story and they don’t even realize that she’s still trying to hook up with him. Lmao.
So I read this and it says that, basically, they don’t know if it’s true or not…. is there anyone who can testify that there is any truth to this?
I don’t know her, but it seems like this website can ruin a person’s life, based on what anyone tells them.
Just curious. That’s all
I’d say everyone is missing the point. Who cares if she has anal warts or is a liar… we all k ow she was a known drug user and got high and wrecked car and killed someone’s mother! Her wrecklessness causes this woman’s death regardless of the exploding malfunctions whatever… she caused this…
Why is she driving if the charges are dropped
Trial is set for August 24. 2020
Hate to say it but i grew up with these people, kristi fitch is my mother. years and years went by and i was practically lied to my whole life. as her daughter it was a completely horrid childhood finding needles under the dressers. as i am 20 now writing this i could have a million frustrated things to say, but i end it with this. ALL of them are manipulative, mentally abusive people, tyler young, kristi fitch, jean fitch , michelle fitch. And a special F YOU to bobby miller you child predator and creep for posting and leaking these photos of a vulnerable woman, STALKING HER DAUGHTER too, even though she did terrible horrible things have some decency . grow up. And i am truly sorry to the family effected by my indecent mother. I wish you nothing but the best
Thanks for reading,
Hailey Young