Brian “Bed Bug” Bartlebaugh, the filthy slumlord who operates the 220 Georgia Ave., Lorain apartments as well as a handful of his own personally owned properties has been issuing threats to his tenants. The threats stem from a report that was made on 10/17/2018 regarding an infestation of cockroaches and the apartment complex being in total disrepair. As a result of the complaint the Lorain County Health Department paid a visit to the premises today and launched an official inspection. What followed is nothing less than you would come to expect from a slumlord…
At approximately 12:00PM the health inspectors arrived to the property and began combing through hallways and going inside of individuals apartments. During the inspection Mr. Bartlebaugh called a tenant who he felt was directly responsible for the inspection and stated “Health inspectors are here, everybody’s doors are being beaten down, there going into all apartments. I’m not happy at all, I will evict you and your family for this”.
Retaliation Remedy: If being evicted by Bartlebaugh – retaliation is suspected, you may: Use the retaliatory action of the landlord as a defense in an eviction; Bring a civil lawsuit against the landlord when a landlord uses a self-help eviction.

It should be noted that Mr. Bartlebaugh lives within walking distance of the travesty that he manages. His home address is 300 Georgia Ave., Lorain OH 44052. He’s been cited almost every single year for parking the wrong way, at the wrong time, in the wrong spot (no criminal record other than a dismissed protection order).

Bartlebaugh owns homes all across Lorain, most of which are in decrepit conditions. He charges on average $700 per unit, with some fetching as much as $900/month where his ROI (return on investment) is almost matched year over year – for he only paid between $12-$25,000 total for most properties.
It’s a pretty cut and dry scenario here, the lack of upkeep is specifically related to Brian “Bed Bug” Bartlebaugh being a slumlord, plain and simple. He feels that he is in a position where he can stuff people into crappy little homes that are mice, bed bug & cockroach infested and nobody will say or know the wiser. Little does he know, all of that changes today…
Another woman, Annie R., had this to say about her time living in the apartment during the years 2013-2014: “He (Brian “Bed Bug” Bartlebaugh) lives a few doors down from the building. He’s extremely rude & cares nothing about the building. I lived there in apt C1, my 26 yr old son in C2, my other 25 yr old son in A2 back in 2013-2014. I moved out because of the bed bug infestation. I lost everything. My bed, dressers, kids bunk beds, dressers, couch & loveseat. All he did was give me $20 to go wash all my clothing n linens at the laundromat which after throwing all my furniture away, washing everything costed $90! When we were living there, I didn’t see any roaches so they must’ve come after we moved out & someone brought them. The back door requires a key but the front does not & yes there’s been people hanging in the hallways that don’t live there. Hallways are extremely dirty & unkept.”
All tenants who are renting from Mr. Bartlebaugh that reside in filth and have made numerous complaints regarding infestations to their homes or apartments you have a legal maneuver that you can utilize. If Bartlebaugh isn’t keeping your property up to code here’s what you can do… Make a deposit to the Lorain Municipal Courts for your next months rent, ensure that you stipulate as to why your rent is being held with them and cite your various reasons (bed bugs, cockroaches, holes in walls, fire code violations, etc.) for keeping the rental money from him. The courts will then hold the money until ALL matters are resolved on his end, therefore forcing him to rectify any outstanding issues. The process will force Bartlebaugh to maintain and upkeep his properties or else he won’t receive any rent money.
More Information:
COBRA Says: Brian “Bed Bug” Bartlebaugh likes making deals with tenants, cheap ass deals in exchange for services like plumbing, electrical and even pest/bug removal. It’s no wonder all of his properties are saturated in filth and crawling with critters, he’s a slumlord, won’t spend a penny unless it’s at the local motel for his $40 quicky/short sessions with the toothless hooker down the way.
The Bottom Line: DO NOT reside in any of his properties. If you do, you’ll be snuggling up to critters at night and regretting every single moment that you made the decision to move in. It’s expensive, it’s dirty and it’s ran by a slumlord.
SCUMBAGGED Tip: This is directly to Mr. Brian “Bed Bug” Bartlebaugh. If you do not begin maintaining your properties and continue subjecting your tenants to this type of third world shit, we will personally lend our legal services to your tenants in an effort to correct your thought process. You can afford to invest into your properties one month out of the decade sir, one fucking month…
[…] The landlord of the property is a man named “Brian”. Brian operates as the face of the company for the owners (we cover them in detail below) who reside in California. The apartments maintenance employee is a live-in tenant named “Josh”. Josh has no certification, experience or training in maintaining an apartment complex (unless you consider smoking crack and getting paid cash in return for performing sexual favors with men a job or a skill). […]
It’s about damn time someone did something. He he never fixed anything. My ac caught fire. He had tenant across from my apartment video taping everything that happened in my apartment when the door was opened and people coming and going.. I reported the bed bug issues he did nothing about.
I lived in this squaller …..nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad I’m out of there…
I have rented from Brian Bartlebaugh for years. I have never experienced any of these issues that you are trying to address on this website.
I am a current renter at this so called Cockroach/Bed Bug infested apartment complex and can honestly say I have never seen a bug in my apartment. Shouldnt you address the real owner of the building if you have a problem? If you did your basic research and had any common sense you would know he isn’t even the Owner/Landlord.
Someone tagged my phone a few days ago with this garbage website B.S., I lived in that apartment for over 2 years and NEVER experienced any of this CRAP! Mr. Bartlebaugh was nice enough to loan me his personal truck to help me move in, and again when I bought a house to move out! Stop the lies. I remember one of the names used on this post from when I lived there – and I clearly remember the local PD making quite a few visits to YOUR apartment when you lived there! Look that up on your computer!!! Maybe those who live in Glass Apartments Shouldn’t Throw Stones! Don’t bother me again with this nonsense. Get a life people! How about spending your wasted time helping others out in need – instead of bashing good people! My mother always said, ” Karma’s a BITCH! “
Thank you Thomas J. for your honest post! I agree whole heartedly with your wonderful comments! I rented a house from Mr. Bartelbaugh a few years back, and any time I had an issue with ANYTHING he always followed up on it within 24 hours! absolutely NO bugs and definitely NO rudeness. Such Terrible lies on this website! I recommended housing from this man to a good friend and they still live there, happily! I also remember when this man was also kind enough to come to my house in the middle of winter to jumpstart my car in the snow at 7am to help me make it to my children’s daycare and my job on time! Does this sound like the individual this site is trying to slander??! Why are you people so hurtful? What comes around….Goes around people.
We publish nothing. Our website is an open platform that allows our users to submit information at will provided that they conform with local, state and federal law. And also in accordance with our TOS and agreeing to submit factual truths only.
This Website is a complete heaping pile of Crap! I live in one of the homes you “Posted Up” on this pack of lies Webpage and not one thing you stated in your article was even close to the truth, and the bottom line is you were obviously “tipped off” by what seems to be a very troubled and angry soon to be EVICTED Filthy deadbeat Tenant! Shame on them! Maybe someone should have actually followed up on the true facts of this article before posting this pile of lies. I pride myself in being a very clean individual and take offense to this article and I’m positive that some of the other tenants in these descent homes are pissed off too! I was offered professional exterminator services by the Landlord anytime I needed them on the day I signed my lease, over 5 years ago! NO roaches & NO bedbugs No bugs period! Maybe your “tipster” brought all these so called bugs in with them to their own residence while moving in! Lies and more Lies! Your Website is VERY HURTFUL to many innocent people.