The apartments located at 220 Georgia Ave. in Lorain are owned by two slumlords. Slumlords who have allowed their property to become infested with cockroaches and are blatantly ignoring severe housing & fire code violations. On 10/17/2018 the Lorain County Health Inspector received a tip from a concerned renter who reported the multitude of issues.
The tenant who has lived at the property for more than a year stated the following: “There are no fire extinguishers, the smoke detectors in the hallway’s don’t work. There aren’t any smoke detectors in the apartments. In winter time you get homeless people that sleep in the hall-way, there’s been cockroaches here for going on two years. There’s also been bed bug outbreaks here since I’ve been here and for all I know they have only been dormant for the past 6 months or so. I’ve never seen the owner and the landlord does nothing about it. Absolutely nothing”. In addition, immediately after it was discovered that the Health Department had been contacted the woman received a threat that she would more than likely be facing eviction for her report. That’s illegal…
The landlord of the property is a man named “Brian”. Brian operates as the face of the company for the owners (we cover them in detail below) who reside in California. The apartments maintenance employee is a live-in tenant named “Josh”. Josh has no certification, experience or training in maintaining an apartment complex (unless you consider smoking crack and getting paid cash in return for performing sexual favors with men a job or a skill).

The wonderful property is owned by the following slumlords: Brar Jasbir Singh & Brar Kanwaljit Kaurthat. Both of whom bask in totally opposite living conditions than that of their tenants. A lavish lifestyle would be putting it mildly for the Brar’s… Their personal home in California (1721 Dashwood Dr Roseville, CA 95747) is valued at more than $600,000 and they have additional properties located in and around Lorain County that all in all total in the millions of dollars. Tenants have reportedly never seen the two owners and are only in direct communication with the active landlord, Brian. Proof of their ownership can be found below…
Slumlord Warning: is actively pursuing any and all slumlord submissions. If you’re a slumlord and you intentionally screw your tenants over on their security deposits, force them to fix rodent issues (or refrain from fixing up your property in general) – expect to be held accountable. Gone are the days of rinse and repeat outfits. You will be thoroughly investigated, exposed and held accountable for your fuckery.
Health Inspection
The health inspector will be paying a visit to the apartments in the coming days to inspect and investigate the myriad of issues. The complaints appear to be directly violating many health, housing and fire code violations. Most of the apartments are in total disrepair and have holes in the walls, stained or missing carpeting, broken or leaking toilets and improper wiring. The most severe issues are obviously from the two years worth of a cockroach infestation, no smoke detectors inside any of the apartments, the smoke detectors in the hallways don’t function and there isn’t a fire extinguisher located anywhere on the property. In addition to these violations, any apartment complex that has more than two units is supposed to have a technical name for the premises.
COBRA Says: A great fucking name for this place could be “The Cockroach & Bed Bug Inn” or “Slumlord’s Ailing Apts.”.
Readers Note: An update to this article will ensue after the inspection has been completed.
The Cost?

The cost of living in this dilapidated & destitute shit hole might come as a shocker as well. Two bedroom units go for $475/month – $550/month depending on how many occupants. For less than an additional $100/month tenants could rent apartments in the nearby city of North Ridgeville starting at $575/month (Hidden Creek Apartments).
Not So Fun Fact: Tenants also cannot change the temperature in their own apartments. The boiler is set to one flat setting which heats the entire building. As a result those who reside on the bottom floor average a temperature of 93 degrees during the winter time. Sheesh…
A Questionable Deed
Upon further investigation into the rats nest it was discovered that the $350,000 price affixed with the purchase of the property in 2005 may be an illusion. According to court documents the property was essentially handed over via what is known as a “Survivorship Deed”. Interestingly enough a survivorship deed is generally utilized for married couples… Essentially if one were to pass away – the survivor would be entitled to the parcel(s). However in this case, the deed clearly passed to both Mr. & Mrs. Brar which means neither have passed.
Furthermore, the company that owns PIERCE PROPERTIES II., LTD is hidden by a registered agent out of Elyria, and therefore the original owners name isn’t public. Interestingly enough, the structure of PIERCE PROPERTIES II. isn’t something that’s exactly parallel to the way the Brar’s operate. As it stands, all properties are held within their personal names and have zero corporate structure whatsoever. It’s the little things that make you wonder… Let the digging begin, aye?
The Bottom Line: If you live here simply do some of the following things. 1.) File a complaint within the courts related to the variety of issues. Until all issues are rectified you will not be required to pay rent and cannot be evicted during the process. 2.) Place calls, take pictures and have documentation ready to provide to health inspectors and or any and all court matters. 3.) Think about suing the owners for negligent behavior & 4.) Sincerely consider moving…
SCUMBAGGED Tip: It’s unbelievable that people allow their properties to become so dilapidated. When fully rented, the total yearly income of this shit-hole equates to $60,000 per year. This is a huge tax write-off property and ladled with tax incentives due to it being in a lower income and higher unemployment city. Most people wouldn’t give two fucks about this in ordinary circumstances. Unfortunately for these owners, isn’t an ordinary site and therefore they now have to held accountable and liable for their disastrous and declining investment…
Need Help? Do you need help with a landlord? Are you having issues getting rid of an ongoing issue? Submit an Article today with as much detailed information (pictures, videos, statements, violations, etc.) as possible.
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Landlord Brian Bartlebaugh. He lives a few doors down from the building. He’s extremely rude & cares nothing about the building. I lived there in apt C1, my 26 yr old son in C2, my other 25 yr old son in A2 back in 2013-2014. I moved out because of the bed bug infestation. I lost everything. My bed, dressers, kids bunk beds, dressers, couch & loveseat. All he did was give me $20 to go wash all my clothing n linens at the laundromat which after throwing all my furniture away, washing everything costed $90! When we were living there, I didn’t see any roaches so they must’ve come after we moved out & someone brought them. The back door requires a key but the front does not & yes there’s been people hanging in the hallways that don’t live there. Hallways are extremely dirty & unkept. I’m having a hard time believing these owners in California are actually real. They need to totally renovate this building because the apartments have potential to be very nice!!!
I moved in feb 2015 b1. He told me he’d fix my heat in the livingroom cause it wasnt working. Never fixed it. It would only work if heat was up to 90degrees. I reported bed bugs. The people across from me put up a fake flower with a camera to repirt back to him everything we did and how many people came and gone in my apartment. When i threatened to file charges for violating my privacy he refused my rent and evicted.
[…] threats to his tenants. The threats stem from a report that was made on 10/17/2018 regarding an infestation of cockroaches and the apartment complex being in total disrepair. As a result of the complaint the Lorain County Health Department paid a visit to the premises […]
You are all some miserable ass people! On here talking about someone like you have nothing better to do. I live here and my fucking apartment is clean and bug free. Have I ever see a roach? Yes, maybe 3 in the 2 yrs that I have been living here and that’s probably because of people brining them in. Brian is a good man and he can’t help that people are fucking nasty! He also can’t help that some tenants are petty and miserable with their own fucking worthless lives. He is a landlord not a fucking counselor! He takes care of things when you call him! He is not a mind reader, therefore if you do not let him know that you’re having an issue with your unit.. he will never know! Bed bugs only enter a persons home if they bring them in..HELLO! The people that complain are the same ones who cant afford affordable rent and the same nasty ass people who smoke in the hallways! Worthless! If you believe the shit on this page you are a fucking retard!
And I bet the bitches that made the complaint still live there! Gtfoh with all of that BS!
I think that this is all crazy !!! bcz he don’t even own the dam place. truth to be known he don’t care because he is cashing in on it. If the city officaials in lorain were smart they would figure out & find out half of the rental property in lorain county is by fraudulent means, but it will all come out soon enough I guess.All of the LLC & LL whatevers in the state really, would blow your mind !!!! Yes Fraud a lot of it going on !! yes its been reported…… Maybe to the wrong people im not sure, but GREED,GREED & MORE GREED !!!! They know who they are,filing false documents using the dead people,incarserated,i could go on & on..but why ???? They keep collecting the money. Because there entitled.They do a lot more illegal stuff !!! Again they know who they are. M.ROE