On November 18th, 2018, Dean & Rochelle Truskolaski scammed a man out of hundreds of dollars in fundraising cash, almost another thousand in gift cards and gift certificates and an undisclosed amount of door prizes that were never rendered. The couple has since blocked the family that was defrauded, offered zero compensation for the theft and even had the audacity to state that they used the stolen money towards putting gasoline in their vehicles. This is their story…
On Sept. 15th, 2018, Rob Hegedus, a North Ridgeville native, was involved in a very serious collision with a driver going the wrong way on the highway. He sustained multiple injuries which included several broken bones. This was all over the local news, so if you live in Lorain or Cuyahoga County, you likely have heard his story (see: Man Fighting For Justice After Crash)
As a result of the horrific accident, a good friend set him up with a GoFundMe page, and there were two fundraisers set up to help him raise money for his everyday needs. The primary reason behind the events and fundraisers were because Rob has been wheelchair bound and couldn’t and still cannot walk or work. Rob’s left hand, foot and ankle were broken. His right wrist, knee, and the bone leading down to his foot, were all broken. He was thrown from his motorcycle and his body and his bike flew over top of the defendant’s vehicle. He spent more than 2 weeks in the hospital and is still currently going through physical therapy. He is not expected to work until at least January.
The Scam

On Sept. 21st, Dean and Rochelle Truskolaski set their scam into motion and contacted the Hegedus family asking if they could set up a fundraiser to help Rob with his everyday needs. Of course the family accepted, it was a nice offer and he needed help. Little did they know at the time, that it would be a scam. The Truskolaski’s started out saying that they would take care of everything, and then it turned into the Hegedus family having to bear the responsibility of purchasing different sorts of food and odds and ends for the benefit. They came to the family that is in need, and told them they needed to help provide food. Not a huge deal, but not an appropriate one either.
It should be noted that at this point in time the Hegedus family had spent an astronomical amount of money and time towards his recovery. One should be assume that if people offer to hold a benefit that they’ll take care of everything because they offered the help. The fundraiser was officially held at Eddie’s Club in Elyria on November 18th.
HAWK Says: These two pieces of shit should be ashamed of themselves. Who the fuck runs a fundraiser and steals half the proceeds in cash and gift card donations? Oh that’s right, a bunch of scumbag degenerates.
The Specifics

On to the importance of the story, it was presented and advertised in the fundraiser flyer that Rob Hegedus would RECEIVE ALL PROCEEDS FROM THE FUNDRAISER TO USE TOWARDS HIS RECOVERY. It was never discussed, nor approved, that these people would end up stealing some of his donation money. At the fundraiser, there was a $10 entry fee per person, that was all supposed to go to Rob (this was stated in the flyer). There were also many raffle baskets and a 50/50 raffle. He did receive the money from the raffle baskets and from the 50/50, but all of the proceeds from the entry fees went into their pockets. They lied about it, and admitted later that they took some of his money to use towards gas.
Lauren Hegedus (Rob’s sister): “I listened to them tell my brother that they didn’t keep any of the money, that they donated their time and money into his funds and wouldn’t take anything. Little did they know, we counted the funds from the raffle baskets so we knew how much money to expect. After the fundraiser ended, he was handed the specific amount of money that was raised from the baskets, and was told that was all of the proceeds, except it was not.”
“We waited a few days to bring this to their attention that we knew they stole money. They took it without permission, while advertising to the world that ALL THE PROCEEDS WOULD BE DONATED TO ROBERT, which quite possibly might be considered fraud.”
Not So Fun Fact: Rochelle was warned that the family would be coming after the fundraiser money, and that they would do whatever they needed to, to obtain it. Her immediate response to this was not to make things right and hand over the proceeds, but instead, to block the entire family from Facebook, as if this was going to go away. They also attempted to collect the money on Saturday, Nov. 24th, and that request was denied by silence and neglect.
The Truskolaski Theft

On the benefit Facebook page, Rochelle advertised that there were 40 gift cards and gift certificates. There were about 10 at the fundraiser, so if there were 40 gift cards donated … where did they go? My sister won one of the door prizes that was supposed to have a gift card to Rodan & Fields in the envelope. When she received it, the envelope was EMPTY. When she asked for her gift card, she was told it was given away as a door prize. The rest of the horrific things Rochelle responded with will remain left unsaid. No gift card was ever produced.
What they stole:
- $350 door cash.
- Missing upwards of 30 gift cards.
- Missing door prizes.
- Estimated Theft of $1,100-$1,450
A Family Outraged

Lauren Hegedus is the sister of Rob Hegedus and had these final words to say on her families behalf.
My brother almost died, and they took a large portion of his proceeds for “gas money”.
My intention for submitting this article is to shed light on people like Dean and Rochelle. They stole money from a person whom they offered to hold a fundraiser for, knowing very well that he needs money to live. DO NOT TRUST THESE PEOPLE AND CERTAINLY DO NOT LET THEM EVER HOLD A FUNDRAISER FOR YOU! I don’t want this to happen to anybody else. Stay away. I want to warn people that there are individuals out there who will take advantage of people who are in need.
My brother almost died, and they took a large portion of his proceeds for “gas money”. I will be doing whatever is necessary to shed light on this situation, and make every attempt to get my brother’s money that people generously donated because they thought he’d be receiving it. I will also be going to the news and to the Elyria Police Department.
Readers Note: Eddie, the owner of the club had nothing to do with the scam. The submitter spoke with him at length and was advised as to what happened. He was not aware that they were going to steal any money from the fundraiser and will no longer be allowing them to hold any additional fundraisers in the future.
Help Rob Hegedus

For those interested in helping Rob Hegedus financially – you can do so by visiting the established GoFundMe. As of this writing there has been $3,170 raised.
The Bottom Line: Individuals who do things like this should be ashamed of themselves. If they don’t make it right with the family then the family simply needs to go to the Elyria Police Department and press charges on them for theft, fraud and deception. You can’t host a fundraiser and then take money, gift cards and raffle tickets because you had to fill up your gas tank, that’s not the way the world works scumbags…
SCUMBAGGED Tip: People just will never learn, even with a threat of a bad reputation or criminal proceeding, nobody gives a shit. See how they feel a few years down the road when the kids start hopping on the computer and googling up mommy and daddy. Don’t want to be Scumbagged? Don’t do Scumbag things like the Truskolaski’s.
This isn’t the first time these two pulled a stunt like this.
Details please
I don’t know if the family knows this but that little boy she has, is my baby I let her adopt, she promised me I’d be able to see him… Almost 5 years later I still have yet to see my baby boy…
Told you not to give him to her….cant trust her.
Cheaters apparently in more ways than one.
Dean has defrauded people while working for Republic. Anybody who knows him knows what he’s been doing for the commercial division.
Total scumbags and degenerates on full display right here. Absolutely disgusting. These fuckers need to pony up the cash and then some or be faced with criminal prosecution. This shit is absolutely atrocious.
The police will not do anything. This same thing happen when my sister had cancer and her best friend started a GoFund me page My sister passed away and her kids didn’t see a dime from Wendi Black .The police said each person that donated needed to press charges
It wasn’t the first time? Really? Who in the past …. Didn’t come forward??
Well, these comments verify my level of disgust.
I have held and been to fundraising events at Eddie’s he is one of the most kind and amazing people I know he helps everyone he possibly can he donated the food for my event and the family recieved all the money from it how dare these 2 try to disgrace his good name
Rochelle has always been a Shitty Person on many levels!! I feel bad for that little boy she has that she adopted!!! She did her x husband real bad!! Cleared the bank account and left him zero while cheating with Dean!! I don’t give a shit i will tell all and i’m sure a few other people will too!!! It’s a shame they took advantage of this family and i hope they go after them and prosecute them!!
This doesn’t surprise me NONE!! She cleaned her x husband dry and with zero while cheating with Dean!! She has always been Dirty in one way or another!! She tried pulling some shit on me and i had to cut ties because she isn’t worth my time!! She does everyone dirty!! THE LITTLE BOY SHE ADOPTED I FEEL BAD FOR HIM AND I DO RECALL HER SAYING the mother would be doing visits and would be in his life and i see she isn’t and i feel super bad!! God definitely doesn’t like ugly!! Karma will get you
I am an Independent Avon Rep and I donated an Avon gift basket to her for this benefit. I’m so pissed! What scums these people are. Rochelle you owe me $65 for my donation.
Dean’s ex wife won that basket!
Yeah I know I wish I would have listened
I think it’s funny how she told people I’m a drug addict.. if anyone wants to know the truth I’ll gladly tell it, matter of fact here it is straight from the fucking horse’s mouth.. I’m not a drug addict.. I do however smoke weed so if that makes me drug addict then so fuckin be it.. she knew I smoked before I ever got pregnant with him. She lied to me but I have no choice but to accept it and move on with my life.. I am a mother of 4 beautiful children.. mark my words he will know the TRUTH one day…
Yes we understood that you were the drug addict and the state was going to take the baby if you didn’t let them adopt.
And it’s totally fucked up what did to this family.. ugh she’s ugly and god don’t like ugly.. shame on her.. ugh she’s scum, nasty
Michelle i’m sorry that happened to you
Thank you I appreciate it and I’m sorry for what happened to you and everyone else who donated to his foundraiser I hope they take them to court
@shame no that’s a bull shit lie I can’t believe she told people that about me… No where near a drug addict.. I went to her when I found out I was pregnant and asked her if she wanted the baby because I KNEW I was financially, emotionally, and physically unable to bring another child in my home and abortion was out of the question.. and I knew she couldn’t have kids I thought I’d do her a favor and instead of giving him to an adoption agency I wanted to know who had him and to know he’d be loved and taken care of… I just can’t believe she lied about me like that
But you had money for weed?
Shame on you for attacking the woman who brought this baby into this world and did what she thought was in the best interest of her child. You must be as ignorant and as trashy as them.
I’ll be happy when more of the lies are revealed.
To addict is an addict, yeah u’re right.. I did I had money to buy weed but as I said above I did what I thought was best for my child!!! Trash talk and bad mouth me all u want I did what I thought was best at the time
I totally agree!!
Me too!
Totally understand what you did for your baby!
I remember meeting you and she was telling me that her best friend was giving her a baby. I thought that was so very sweet. I am so sorry that you have not been able to see him. That breaks my heart. Bless you for having that baby. One day he will hope fully know the truth. Just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers.
If they have nothing to hide, then why did they remove all posts stating that they collected more than $1,200 in gift cards, not to mention all of the gift baskets? What happened to the gift cards? AND WHY delete all traces of the prizes.
Who removed what posts?
As far as the gift cards, I cannot find anybody who received one. Certainly not 40 people. One gift card which is mentioned in this post that was won as a door prize still has not been given to the person who won it. Why did they take it all down ? You tell me…..
The sad thing about all of this is … all they have to do is return the money they took and this article could disappear.
Exactly! So far it’s been revealed that these two have:
1. Cheated on their spouses
2. Wiped the bank accounts clean
3. Steals from his job.
4. Took away any relationship that the baby had with his mother.
5. Helped themselves to hundreds of dollars in cash and an undisclosed amount of gift cards
6. And lied about stealing the money for a wheelchair bound man.
7. And yes REMOVED the event post that stated ore than $1,200 in gift cards.
The only gift cards announced were for a free night at campground, and a few door prizes to places or things nobody ever heard of.
Don’t defend their actions….if they can do all of these things, imagine what can do to you….not to mention each other. Just sayin.
You are so right! So sad how they could do that to someone that is down!! But I hear it’s just Deans x spreading lies.
Nah, I heard the ex wife is glad he’s her problem now. She’s been married now for awhile and they have a child. He’s selfish with a spending problem and looks like Rochelle is worse being a thief as well. I heard Deans been unfaithful in that marriage as well, while she sits ignorant. Anyone notice that neither one of them have anything to say? She’s a hussy and he’s a meal ticket. Sounds like the cats out of the bag and they should just leave town for good.
Are there any new updates? Is the family going to press charges?
I’m sure she didn’t write the article. I’m certainly not taking up for them. It is disgusting what they did to that family! They deserve each other! I hope they get whats coming to them!
These two can’t keep their stories straight. She sounds like a Phyco and he must be a weenie. They should change their names to trashy Roach Hell and Deanie the limp Weenie.
Sounds like the only reason that these two adulterers got together is because Dean BROUGHT HIS WORK HOME WITH HIM, “he’s a trash collector for Republic Waste.” Sounds like their lies are starting to stink.