Frank Henry, originally From Greaselake, Ohio ran off with his wife (now ex-wife) and 2 kids to Pineville, North Carolina. This was done AFTER he discovered that his girlfriend that he had on the side was pregnant. He spent 3 years in N.C hiding the fact he had a 3rd child in Ohio from his wife (also taking into consideration of the fact that his wife was pregnant at the SAME time). Of course Frank Henry, the narcissist was thinking only about himself!!!!
When his daughter in Ohio was 3, the wife found out his dirty little secret in Ohio after receiving a new Insurance Card with a child’s name she didn’t recognize! BUSTED! His wife chose to stay with her 5x cheating husband, as she didn’t want her children to grow up in a broken home. They had their ups and downs and during a separation a few years later, the wife gets pregnant by another man!
Frank couldn’t bare the fact that his wife was having another mans child and then files for a divorce! He clearly forgot that he cheated and had another child 7 years earlier. He was eventually court ordered to pay child support to his child in Ohio, he has seen her a total of 6 times and she’s close to 18 now. The last time Frank Henry Saw his daughter in Ohio was over 2 years ago.

HAWK Says: Who the hell does this? Not only do you cheat on your wife, then get your girlfriend pregnant, but leave said girlfriend with wife to leave that wife for a mail-order bride and then cast away your children in the process? Total fucking scumbag…
You see, while he was cheating on girlfriends, he would stay up all hours the night online/cell speaking in Spanish. His then girlfriend began to question it and Frank was online seeking out a Mail Order Bride. One whom he brought her to North Carolina and moved her illegitimate self and her kids into his home. Franks kids hated Natalie, so much that his son ran away and daughters moved in with their mother. He cut off all contact with his daughter in Ohio as his new wife doesn’t permit him to have a relationship with her. He did manage to call his children, informing them they are now responsible for their phones because he can’t afford to care for them and his wife and her 3 children. He can afford to go back and forth to Costa Rica, but can’t afford to support his children. He makes almost 6 figures working for ITAC, but can’t afford a Christmas card for his children.
Frank Henry is currently living an unfaithful life, that’s why he chose a wife who doesn’t understand English, stays at home as his servant and he can control with his money. He frequents golf courses near Pineville-Charolette NC areas and has multiple accounts on dating sites.
Beware… He will tell you that he is single.
The Bottom Line: Its time for the truth to come out and for Frank to take responsibility as a father.
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Selfishness doesn’t begin to describe this situation. It’s one thing to cheat on your wife, it’s entirely a different scenario to entirely shut out your children. There’s something wrong with this picture and i clearly fits under the scumbag label. Hey Frank, maybe you should think about someone else besides yourself for a change? What kind of damage do you think you’ve done to your children?
I am actually Frank Henry and found this by complete coincidence. I do not need to defend myself to social media or people I do not know and are not family. I will tell you that the person that wrote this is an ex convict and heroine addict. You are getting only parts of a very long story and pieces of multiple situations. Those whom live in glass houses should not be throwing stones. The only child I do not have a loving and continuous relationship with is in fact the daughter that chooses not to unless convenient at times. The woman you see in the picture is anything but a mail order bride. She is highly educated and never needed me nor anything I had as she is very well off in her native homeland of Costa Rica. It is easy to read and judge the issues and possible troubles of another individual, but we all have troubled past and fall often. Also not doing due diligence on the editors past to allow people to post false and misleading information is irresponsible and quite disgusting! I do not make excuses for my faults but I do own them, pick myself up, and try to carry on a better path.
Frank S. Henry