Bryon Meshew has been serving as the Chief of Police for the village of Creston since January of 2011. During his tenure he has overseen the expansion of Creston’s police force, helped combat prolific drug use, drug distribution & cracked down extensively on crime in the area. He’s also abused tax payer dollars by using his personal email account,, to send sexually explicit emails to young women while on duty.
The Chief’s manner of emailing is a violation of a variety of ethics and code of conduct rules. One woman, who was engaged with the Chief in a specific instance entertained the correspondence only to pursue a personal goal, but quickly ceased the conduct with the Chief altogether once she realized he was serious.
Chief Meshew sent no less than a dozen sexually explicit emails over a 6 month period. In those emails he is extremely detailed, vivid and graphic with his sexual wants & desires. In one specific email, the Chief (who is married) stated “I want to see you masturbate, I want to see you rub your pussy”.
“are you having an affair with my husband?”

On another occasion, the Chiefs wife confronted a young woman over the phone and asked her blatantly “are you having an affair with my husband?” This stemmed from a public gathering that sparked the interest of the Chief’s wife. The woman in question informed the Chief’s wife that “nothing had happened, I’ve moved on in a professional manner and set boundaries with your husband”.
In a separate incident, a simple correspondence with the Chief where a woman asked him “How have things been” showed the Chief responding in his old sexually related ways with a “I’ve been reminiscing about you”. Needless to say, that woman blocked the Chief and has since ceased communications with him altogether…
COBRA Says: Don’t think it’s true? When there isn’t a suit against us for libel, slander or defamation, you’ll have your answer. If a suit does come – the submitter(s) will testify on the stand and the emails will be made public through discovery motions. Stop wasting tax paying dollars, stop cheating on your wives, stop abusing your positions of power, stop being Scumbags…
The Bottom Line

Abuse of Power: This is a prime example of an abuse of power. A Chief utilized his position and wielded it to his advantage in an attempt for sexually gratifying purposes. Anyone who conducts themselves this way, using their authority to do so and is an officer of the law should resign from their post. In addition, what kind of example is he setting for the rest of the officers under his command? Are there “locker room” style talks going on behind the scenes, is this prevalent behavior taking place with the police precinct? This is a serious issue and there are serious questions that need to be raised within this outfit.
SCUMBAGGED Tip: For any cops that get horny whilst on duty, perhaps you should think twice about abusing tax payer dollars. If you’re married, you should take into account the pain you could cause your loved one. Stop being selfish, stop being greedy & stop being scumbags… Be a man, file for divorce, fuck on your own time and your own money, otherwise – well, there’s a great chance that you too could wind up being featured on Scumbagged just like the Chief of Creston…
Share Your Story: Have you been approached by the Chief or any other officer, individual, etc., in an inappropriate manner? If so, you can share your situation 100% anonymously and help put an end to misconduct in your community by clicking the link below, emailing us at or contacting us through the tip-line at (330) 915-7483.