Brandi Basch is a notorious thief, drug user, habitual liar, scammer, cheater, so on and so forth. Recently, she managed to weasel her way onto a deed by manipulating and conning her then boyfriend into placing her name on the home. As a result, the ex is now unable to sell his home and move on. In the past 3 months alone Brandi has moved 3 different men in and out of the house and managed to lose custody of one of her children during the process…
Brandi is well known for many things, but one of her best kept secrets is her ability to scam welfare. She’s even been able to collect disability, at the age of 33 years old she’s concocted a plethora of ailments, issues and cover-ups in order to fraudulently claim disability. She’s also listed on LinkedIn as a Caregiver at Home Instead Senior Care. Hmm….
Throughout her life she’s been in dozens of relationships and as each one comes and goes she leaves behind wreckage like that of a F5 tornado. From damaged properties, ruined credit and drained bank accounts – Brandi is the ultimate destroyer. She’s also resorted to calling the police on one man, wouldn’t allow him to get his belongings and sold the property belonging to someone else’s deceased father (a gun).

COBRA Says: She definitely sounds like she has a lot of issues, how she managed to swindle her way onto a deed though – that’s the ultimate act of deception there. Scumag 101 – never place an individual on a deed whom asks to be placed on a deed, indeed…
SUBMITTER QUOTE: “All the men she has had children with (and there’s many) say pretty much these same things written in this article about her, but at least they were smart enough not to add her name to their assets. We’ve submitted her to Scumbagged because we want to make this girl STOP doing this to people. She needs to stop lying to welfare, she needs to stop lying in order to collect her disability. Anyway you all can help stop her from continuing this cycle? Once again, her name is Brandi Basch, maybe you’ve heard of her…”
The Bottom Line
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Seeing this woman coming wouldn’t be hard. For someone to allow her to be placed on the deed to a property of any sorts is ridiculous, especially if it’s a short term relationship. Wouldn’t place this woman on a damn Giant Eagle account, already know she would steal all of the Fuel Perks. Not the brightest move regarding a house, sheesh. In any case, we sure hope that the housing situation can be resolved (probably through litigation). Don’t piss in the wind, otherwise it’ll just hit you smack dab in the face and leave a sour taste in your mouth, something that tastes a lot like Brandi Basch.
Interesting Read! I think I know her.
You better run
good for you?
She is coming from a trash and is trash
ok so eric and byron you are so rude.MY mother is the most nice person in the world so yea,And you eric you did not have to post that comment, and the only person being trash here is YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!.