ALLIANCE, OHIO – As was first reported on January 2nd residents of the Lionel H. Newsom Tower Apartments have been trapped in their residences as a result of a broken elevator. Scumbagged spoke with the apartment manager, Kevin Jackson, by telephone early yesterday morning and he stated that “the elevator is currently in the process of being fixed, however I have no guarantees as to it being up and running today, although I have high hopes it will be.” However more than 24 hours later and the issue still remains unfixed with more cries for help from inside.
The situation has now surpassed a week and has entered it’s eighth day. Videos (see below) have been submitted showing one resident climbing almost 200 steps to reach her floor. She is one of the lucky few who can make the climb. Not everyone is so fortunate as some are wheelchair bound, elderly and sick. The situation has officially reached a level of ‘mission critical’ with each passing day posing a larger health risk to many of the occupants.
Some of the issues taking place from within even effect animals with one woman’s 12 year old shar-pei that requires insulin daily. Far more serious issues can be found with an elderly man whom is in the middle of battling cancer and has chemotherapy sessions that he cannot attend. Other’s have dialysis appointments, routine checkups and medications that must be refilled – all of which cannot be accomplished without a working elevator for many.
The 8 Story Climb (VIDEOS)
The videos below show 180 stairs that need to be taken for one resident who is healthy enough to make her way to the 8th floor. Not all residents are so fortunate as many are sick, elderly and wheelchair bound.

The Elevator
This isn’t the first time that residents have been faced with this same issue. Over the past 15 years this has happened on at least one other occasion where residents were stranded for days. The picture above shows the elevator this afternoon affixed with a sign that informs residents and visitors that the elevator is broken.
Contact Information
Alpha Phi Alpha Homes, Inc.: 330-376-8787
- The company responsible for the management and oversight of the Lionel H. Newsom Tower Apartments.
Kevin Jackson: 330-823-4004
- The manager of the Lionel H. Newsom Tower Apartments.
The Bottom Line
SCUMBAGGED Tip: What’s it going to take for the elevator to be fixed? A death? If there was a fire or the need for a serious evacuation, people would surely perish. This has reached mission critical, people are going without food, medication and the ability to attend their doctor appointments. There is zero excuse for this. The local news, the city, everyone needs to get involved!