LifeCare Ambulance Inc. has officially launched a coverup campaign. Their first act of business after our exposé wasn’t to increase their severely underpaid employees wages, but rather to turn off the spigot from which the information was flowing.
The company issued verbal warnings to all employees that any individuals found to be providing company related information to would be immediately terminated from their employment. They also forced all employees to sign a confidentiality agreement. Specifically citing “critical pay-related, salary or otherwise sensitive information”.
On August 8th, 2017 the companies President, Peter de le Porte held a meeting with his attorney and other members of high ranking management positions within the company. The outcome of this meeting introduced a confidentiality agreement that all employees who work for the company would ultimately have to sign. Refusal to sign the agreement would result in that employee being fired.

On August 9th, 2017 we received .pdf scans of the LifeCare confidentiality agreement along with additional information related to the company attempting to intimidate it’s work force into silence. In addition, there was a company wide memorandum that was sent out to shift supervisors. This memorandum instructed LifeCare’s supervisors to keep a close watch on anyone taking pictures or recording conversations within the facility.
On August 10th, 2017 employees were informed that anyone who was discovered taking pictures or providing pay-related information to any outside sources would immediately be fired.
Anonymous LifeCare Employee Statement
“They asked me to keep a close eye on any employees taking pictures or recording conversations within the facility that I manage. We don’t have cameras where the pictures were allegedly taken of the EMT & Medic Wage sheets and (struck to maintain anonymity). Furthermore, the President (Peter de la Porte) had other individuals such as myself have all of our employees sign confidentiality reports and instructed us to issue verbal warnings that anyone who utters a word outside of company grounds would be fired”.
“I feel like I’m working not as a shift supervisor for an Ambulance company any longer, but my job description is that of someone working for the FBI or CIA in a coverup campaign or operation.”
paY ‘Like’ a fast food worker isn’t a joke, it’s reality, it’s happening”
We asked another source who works for LifeCare Ambulance Inc. if they ever saw unfair treatment or If they felt that the wages are unjust?
Source: “There’s been people working here for 10 years who are paid well, there’s a few who have been here for 20 or more years who are paid well. Outside of a shift supervisor or management position I can see how workers could be viewed as underpaid. It is true that our new EMT’s in many cases find jobs doing the exact same thing elsewhere for sometimes $1, $2 or $3 an hour more. This results in a high turnaround rate for new hires here. As a result of the turnaround rate we then have to push a tremendous amount of hours onto the other workers. Most employees enjoy the extra hours, it results in a lot of overtime for them. LifeCare affords 6 month or greater employees pay advances as well, and employees can make their own schedules with me for the most part. However, back to the question if I feel they are unfair, yes in some cases, specifically for the 1-7 year positions. Being paid the equivalent to a fast food worker isn’t a joke, it’s reality, it’s happening”.
COBRA Says: Rarely can you find a company that would resort to a coverup campaign in an effort to silence and intimidate their workers like LifeCare has. There is some serious irony behind their company name… LifeCare… They don’t care about the vast majority of their employees being underpaid, the owners are filthy rich. Perhaps the Porte brothers should request an entity name change with Ohio’s Secretary of State, Jon Husted. A few new name ideas for the company that would be far more suitable are; PorteCare or quite simply WeDontCare Ambulance Inc.
Peter de la Porte is the acting President of LifeCare Ambulance Inc. and his wealth surpasses even that of his brother Herb. Fancy cars, homes and a multitude of businesses has set Peter de la Porte off financially for 10 lifetimes. His most recent home was 5 bedrooms, his master-suite had two walk-in closets and a private deck. He had a 2 story foyer, a personal office with built in bookcases. His living room had 2 fireplaces, custom moldings and a built in wet bar. Outside he had a 600 square foot deck which also had it’s own fireplace. The kitchen had double ovens & granite countertops. He had a recreation room, a workout room, a wine room, and even a home movie theater with a Bose surround sound system. Outside he had a 3 car garage and a separate 2 car garage with a storage area. All of which was complimented by a 360 degree panning security camera, a pond with a waterfall and 1 mile of walking trails.

Fun Fact: According to LifeCare Ambulance Inc. saw $11,206,806 in revenue for the fiscal year ending in 2016.
Not once during any conference call, attorney or management meeting did a conversation come up about the disparaging employee pay. Instead, the entire context and scope of these meetings was to determine how they could silence their employees immediately and effectively via their coverup campaign.
LifeCare Medic Wage Scale
The current 3 and 5 year longevity increases for Medics will be suspended until further notice. If you have already received these increases, they will not be taken back. Annual bonuses program for all Medics in 2017 are discontinued. Year 1 / Step 1 Starting Medic wage – $13.50, Year 2 / Step 2 Medic wage – $14.25, Year 3 / Step 3 Medic wage – $15.00. Medics with greater than 5 years but less than 6 years will earn $15.25, Medics with years of service greater than 6 but less than 7 will earn $15.50 and Medic with years of service greater than 7 will stay at their current level of pay (no change to base wage).
See the official LifeCare Paramedic Doctrine here:
LifeCare EMT Wage Scale
The years of service working at LiceCare Ambulance as an EMT-B, will no longer count toward the Medic Wage Scale. When you are an EMT-B working at LifeCare and you obtain your Medic Card, you will move to year 1 on the Medic wage scale. (starting at $13.50/hr). Starting the pay period beginning 1/1/2017 all currently employed EMT-B and new hires will be set to $10/hr (from $9.17). Increases ranging from 0%-2% will not start to be given until anniversary dates after 1/1/2018. No general increase will be in effect for EMT-B in 2017 to the significant ($9.17 to $10.00) increase with moving to the $10/hr starting on 1/1/2017.
See the official employee LifeCare EMT Doctrine here:
Starting on 1/1/2017 the Annual Bonus program for Medics & EMT-Basic will be discontinued and all medics with years of service greater than 7 years will stay at their current level of pay (no change to base wage).
Additionally, the reviews from many of previous LifeCare Ambulance Inc. employees can be found re-iterating the fact of either having extremely poor pay, lack of breaks and too many hours.
See Previous Employee Reviews:
Not So Fun Fact: The average EMT basic salaries are $13.23 per hour in Ohio. The average Paramedic salaries are $16.35 per hour in Ohio. LifeCare is on average $3.00 per hour lower for EMT’s and $2.85 lower per hour for Paramedics.

Herb & Peter have also been accused of severe favoritism regarding wages and occupational titles within their companies, this is specifically true regarding family members and friends of the de la Porte brothers. A prime example of this favoritism can be found with another company owned by Peter de la Porte. Gateway Industrial Products headquartered in Elyria has been in business since 1995 and has over 20 employees. The operations manager of Mr. Porte’s company however isn’t a 10 or 20 year dedicated worker as you might think it would be. It isn’t someone who has 30, 20, 10 or even 5 years of experience on the job. No, the operations manager for Gateway Industrial Products is none other than Peter de la Porte’s own 26 year old daughter Chelsea de la Porte.
See the original article on LifeCare:
A Lavish Lifestyle Puts LifeCare Workers “On Life Support” (Lorain County, Ohio)
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Instead of running around trying to cover their asses by silencing their employees you would think that LifeCare would be discussing a comprehensive way to better their employees lives. The company has a horrific bounce rate for new hires and with good reason. Still overworked and underpaid and it’s looking like it’s going to stay that way… Employees of this company are urged to submit applications to ANY Rally’s Food Restaurant, Aldi’s Grocery Store, Walmart Super Center or similar EMT/Medic company in the surrounding areas. You will see an IMMEDIATE increase in your hourly wage and less will be demanded/required of you.