Hey Scumbagged these two are some of the worst of the worst in my area. Their names are Bobby & Katie Nakoff and they are both originally from North Ridgeville, Ohio.
First up is Robert (Bobby) Nakoff. At an early age he began exhibiting psychopathic tendencies. In the 7th grade he was expelled from the North Ridgeville Middle School for plotting to blow up the school and kill as many students as he could. His elaborate plan consisted of 100 gallons of gasoline, two shotguns and crowbars that would have been used to bar the doors and trap students within the gymnasium. Then he raped his own sister.
Bobby Nakoff was sentenced to the Department of Youth Services for the offenses that transpired against Katie Nakoff, his sister. When Mr. Nakoff was released from DYS he then knowingly had sex with an underage girl and had sex with his sister Katie again. He was placed on the Sex Offender Registry for this new charge.
In 2006 Katie Seibert, a backpage hooker, who is also featured in one of our articles (The Walking Dead) was raped by Bobby Nakoff. She was 13 and still a virgin at the time. In 2016 while Mrs. Seibert was staying at the Motel 9 in Elyria, Ohio, Bobby Nakoff raped her once again. They were supposed to “mess around”, Bobby was there paying Katie for sex, but when things got too rough and Katie began screaming and crying he refused to get off of her until someone happened to walk in on the assault. Both of these incidents went unreported.
Bobby Nakoff also has an extensive criminal history. Most recently he was placed on a 1 year supervision term with Lorain County stemming from upwards of 20 attempted possession charges.
COBRA Says: I have absolutely no comment on this one. Too many things going through my mind here, too many things…
Perhaps in response to the dramatic and traumatizing childhood events, Katie Nakoff began delving heavily into hardcore narcotics. Her drug of choice would ultimately wind up being heroin, which she is still abusing to this very day. She can be found nodding off while working as a cashier at North Ridgeville’s Sunrise Marathon (Tescas) Gas Station located on the corner of 83 and Chestnut Ridge Rd.
Not So Fun Fact: The owner of Tescas has a dirty little secret. He continuously hires addicted young women to work at his store. He’s been doing this for years & carefully hand picks girls through a selection process that can easily be identified as ‘preying on the less fortunate’. Once hired, he then propositions his new workers with money in exchange for sexual favors. Talk about abusing a position of power…
Katie Nakoff accumulated many charges as a result of her drug use. Finding herself faced with the potential of jail time, she chose to rat in almost every single occasion. One time she even stooped as low as to throw her drugs under the drivers seat of one of her friends vehicles when they were in the process of getting pulled over.
Readers Note: Katie has been submitted and will be added to the Top 50 Rat Scumbags of Lorain County in our next update.
Katie also has an extensive criminal history revolving around her drug use, however, a vast majority of her charges were never filed or dropped due to her continued cooperation with authorities. She did however serve a year in prison for a Burglary charge and she is currently on parole for that case.
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Don’t have sex with members of your own family. Don’t knowingly have sex with minors. Don’t rape people. Don’t rat on people – own up to your own crimes and short comings. Don’t do drugs. If you do drugs, especially heroin, we advise you to contact a resource center near you immediately to seek treatment. It’s never too late to get sober…
Oh give me a break. You have no proof of the tape not being arat. Bob did his time and that’s all there is. Tell me who substantiated this. Cuz they are liars who got busted for their OWN drugs. A RAT? ONLY IF THEY ARE LYING. IDIOT!