The city council seat for Ward 14 in Cleveland, Ohio, between Nelson Citron and Jasmin Santana isn’t shaping up to be your typical election. Jasmin Santana was most recently exposed regarding her extensive legal issues in Cuyahoga County, where she faced multiple civil suits for failure to pay past and present personal debts. In addition Ms. Santana also had criminal charges filed against her in the past and she now stands accused of resorting to blatant intimidation tactics against her opponent.
Her opponent, Nelson Citron, has a clean background and has been running a transparent, fair and honest campaign. Mr. Citron and his team have been active in the community, trying to raise awareness regarding Santana’s blatant fiscal issues and trying to generate support for his own campaign. Unfortunately, Mr. Citron and his supporters face an uphill battle due to the extent of Santana’s methods and apparent desperation to win the race. The Ward 14 election is now getting heated, to the extreme and includes new physical threats of violence.
Fun Fact: When Jasmin Santana supporters pass out their promotional flyers and hang up supportive material, they are able to do so without threats or intimidation. The same cannot be said for Nelson Citron’s supporters.
In a video submitted on 9/10/2017 a Citron supporter was intimidated and threatened by a Santana campaign employee. This type of activity should not be tolerated and should serve as an eye opener to anyone residing in the district as to what’s happening in their own backyard.
“Im going home And getting a bat and I’ll be back”
The above video was taken over this past weekend. While passing out literature, candidate Nelson Cintron and his family were confronted by an irate Jasmin Santana supporter. Santana’s supporter removed the literature left at homes by Cintron. When confronted, the supporter began yelling at and mocking Cintron and his team. The Santana supporter then stated “I’m going home to get a bat and I’ll be back”, threatening harm to Mr. Citron (including women and children who were there when this transpired). Police were called and a report was made, sources indicate that charges are being filed.
HAWK Says: In this country people are far too often wooed with big smiles and empty promises. Don’t be fooled for an instance, do your research, search the background of these candidates and you will reach the same conclusion as outlined in the past two submissions. Santana is a fucking scumbag folks. She’s a manipulator and is now resorting to mafia type strategies to defeat her opponent. Hit the polls and show that you will not stand for this behavior. It’s plain and simple…
This particular supporter also stated “I’m a direct representative of Santana and I work hand and hand with her on her campaign team.” There have been additional rumors of Santana campaigners intimidating voters throughout the district. This is only one such instance that was caught on video. Other incidents regarding the removal of Citron promotional material is occurring on a daily, all of which is being done by Santana’s supporters and members of her own team. Several business owners throughout Ward 14 have also reported that Santana constituents advised them that it would be “bad for business” if they did not support Santana.
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Threats of violence should not be condoned in any race. An election should be held fairly, without any intimidation tactics or fear of retaliation by either party. When looking at the individual candidates the righteous and true is fairly evident. Jasmin Santana has upwards of 10 different court cases in Cuyahoga County stemming from fiscal and legal issues. Nelson Citron has no such issues. Santana’s staff being caught on video making threats, while Citron and his team are simply trying to gain support in a humble and legal fashion. If you reside in Ward 14 the choice should be clear come the 15th. You can either vote for a candidate with no prior records (Citron) and one who isn’t resorting to extreme tactics to gain support, or cast your vote for an irresponsible candidate (Santana) that is utilizing any and all methods to win the race. The answer as to who should be elected is the honest, transparent and humble candidate. That candidate is Mr. Citron.