A serial Facebook stalker has emerged in Northeast Ohio. Nicholas Johnson has been stalking women on and off of Facebook for the better part of the past two years. He was originally featured in a Scumbagged article back in August of 2017 where he was exposed for threatening to beat a woman for not going on a date with him.
Since the original article broke, additional submissions have come in pertaining to Nicholas Johnson, but in each situation his Facebook accounts vanished into thin air. Just as fast as the submissions would come in, so too would the Facebook stalker.
Then today, the day before Valentines Day, he resurfaced once again. This time using a different Facebook account, but with the same motive – a Facebook request, followed by obsessive messages filled with anger, frustration and threats. Which then, unbeknownst to the victim, transcends into a real life stalking scenario. He has been known to visit individuals at their places of work, school/college or even their personal residences in the middle of the night.
A Pattern Emerges
In 2004 he was convicted of domestic violence in Akron Ohio, where he repeatedly punched his girlfriend at the time in the head & threatened to kill her. Since then he has accumulated a variety of charges stemming from felony child support convictions to telecommunications harassment and stalking allegations.
In August of 2017 he contacted a woman on Facebook and made harassing texts and threats to her. The screenshots below document the harassment that the woman endured.
In October of 2017 a woman submitted a report regarding a Nicholas Johnson who had contacted her on Facebook messenger. She never replied to him and then he showed up at her place of work, Mr. Hero in Streetsboro, just a few minutes from where she lived in Mantua, Ohio. The woman had to call the cops on him to get him off the premise and he left before the police arrived.
“He literally contacted me and just started talking to himself.”

User Submitted Article: “He literally contacted me and just started talking to himself. My place of work was listed on my Facebook page and the next day he was at my work at 10:00 when we were closing. He was freaking me out and just like he did on messenger he just kept talking and rambling and telling me how I deserved someone like him – it took me calling the cops to have to get him to leave before I could even walk outside to go to my car. It was the scariest thing I’ve ever had to go through in my life. The look in his eyes is the scariest part of all.”
In December of 2017, shortly after Christmas, Nicholas Johnson was reportedly seen outside of a woman’s house that he had threatened through a text message sent to her cellphone (which was publicly displayed on her Facebook account). The woman called the police and once again he left before they could arrive.
‘I don’t know how he found out where I lived this is crazy”
User Submitted Article: “I saw the Nicholas Johnson guy you guys made an article on he was outside my house he sent me a msg and I blocked him a week ago I dont know how he found out where I lived this is crazy or how he found out anything about me I really dont want him to come back so please dont mention who I am and Im not adding my screenshot because I dont want him to know it was me if you use this please make sure my name is out of it please thanks”
And then today, February 13th 2018 he has surfaced once again… It should be noted that the woman Mr. Johnson contacted today was someone he also contacted last year. During that conversation he spewed racial epithets and became enraged with the woman for having black friends.
COBRA Says: This is the kind of person you see on the news right here, the psychopath who just is so mentally deranged that he stuffs bodies into walls and keeps people in his basement. Total scumbag…
Readers Note: Nicholas Johnson has been known to change his appearance greatly – from varying weight conditions to hair length and clothing style. We’ve never urged our readers to share content that is published on Scumbagged, but in this case we are asking everyone to share this article for general awareness purposes.
August 2017 Article On Johnson
The Bottom Line: This individual is not to be taken lightly. Anyone that comes across him should call the cops immediately. There’s only been a few submissions regarding him, but being that there are even a few submissions at all, means that from a simple mathematical standpoint, he has to be doing this on a large scale.
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Anyone who has been contacted by Nicholas Johnson must take the situation seriously. He has been known to become so infatuated with his victims to the point of actually stalking them if he is able to obtain there personal information.