Sheriff Clifford Pinkney was confirmed as the Sheriff of Cuyahoga County in April of 2015. Since taking office he has allegedly stirred racism, favoritism and engaged in a violation of anti-fraternization policy. Sheriff Pinkney also provided avenues for individuals whom he has had sexual relations with to accrue extra overtime, as well as a host of other issues related to allegations of misconduct & abuse of power.
Sheriff Clifford Pinkney had (and still has) an intimate relationship with a female subordinate named Melissa Harris; and he has taken care of her since he was a Sergeant. He’s even shaken up operations to remove supervisors who would dare hold her accountable. Despite an order to reduce overtime by Budish, he has helped her net hundreds and hundreds of hours of OT. As an example, Melissa Harris has accrued 680.5 hours of overtime since October 2016….that’s verifiable. Almost none of the “work” performed as a result has any work product associated with it. Her rate of pay is $29.06 which means that she’s made an extra $29,641 since Budish ordered the budget cuts.
In addition to Harris’s stolen overtime, Sergeant Bryan Kaminski stole more than $10,000 worth of OT since 2013 and currently Chief Deputy George Taylor is covering it up. He attempted to keep it administrative so that Kaminski wouldn’t be investigated by BCI and criminally charged. In fact, Taylor keeps Kaminski close by with various duties such as; having him cut and paste policies for the department and reporting directly to him.

Officer Comment: “She’s (Melissa Harris) probably on overtime right now; doing some citizen academy or some bullshit that was made up to keep her fat and happy.”
In 2009, Clifford Pinkney committed a violation of conduct and was fired, only to be re-instated after playing the race card with the EEOC. See: Fired Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Employee Clifford Pinkney Returns To Duty
Officer Comment: “Funny how HR does incomplete investigations (to cover their ass) into complaints received about hostile work environments though!”
Readers Note: Sheriff Clifford Pinkney, Melissa Harris, Armond Budish, Donald Gerome, Richard Peters, George Taylor, Bryan Kaminski, Gerald McFaul, Ed Morales & Marcia Fudge are all mentioned for various roles within this article.
Sheriff Pinkney’s Racist Comments

“I won’t be kissing any white babies either…only black babies.“
Sheriff Pinkney regularly engages in reverse racism; whereas he fosters a hostile environment for many people who just aren’t “dark enough”. Mr. Pinkney feels as though he was discriminated against by McFaul (See: Sheriff Gerald McFaul Violated Civil Rights Laws In Firing Sheriff Pinkney). Pinkney makes statements in open forum like, “gone are the days of the all white detective bureau!” “I won’t be kissing any white babies either…only black babies.” and “I’m the first black sheriff, what are they going to do to me?”.
Several upper level parties were present when these remarks were uttered by Sheriff Pinkney. During and after the disbandment of the original UDF team (thanks to John Morgan and Melissa Harris) that’s when the “gone are the days of the all white detective bureau” statement came out. A lieutenant and another officer were present during that outburst. A UDF detective and current TFO was present during the whole “white baby, black baby” verbiage.
Sheriff Pinkney’s Racist Password

Pinkney had a highly insecure & racist password that was HNIC216. HNIC stands for “Head Nigga In Charge”.
The racist & insecure password was admitted to by Sheriff Pinkney during an interview after a complaint was filed with compliance; but HR and Ed Morales simply swept it under the rug. Internally, it is widely known that Budish is afraid of what would happen to the black vote if he removed or disciplined Pinkney (primarily due to Fudge). Bova was forced to promote Pinkney by Marcia Fudge.
Officer Comment: “Pinkney was incompetent as a deputy, is an ineffective manager, and NOT A LEADER at all! Bove moved on… and now we’re stuck with a disaster.”
Sheriff Pinkney’s Personal Parking
Officers are not allowed to utilize the parking garage for sporting events or other personal issues outside of work. However, Sheriff Pinkney parks in P-2 while off duty whenever he wants. Since Ken Mills stopped the control room from documenting the entrant’s identity upon arrival, nothing is verifiable any longer. As a result, you’ll also find all kinds of people parked down there when they’re not supposed to be, it’s a huge security risk!
Sheriff Pinkney’s Favorite Players
He takes regular care of his friends like John Morgan; who was allowed to formulate his own human trafficking task force (a complete duplication of what the FBI already does) so that he could have a take home vehicle, OT, no supervision and the relative ability to essentially do what he wants with ZERO accountability.
To top all of this off, four days ago the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department was served with two subpoena’s. The first subpoena regarded Armond Budish’s Chief of Staff, Sharon Sobol Jordan and specifically requested time sheets, pay stubs & Jordan’s personnel file. The second subpoena sought records, including contracts & emails between Scot Rourke, Emily McNeeley & Hyland Software.
“I cannot and will not tolerate any bad behavior. If anyone has done anything wrong we’ll get to the bottom of it,” Budish said in a statement provided to Cleveland’s FOX 8 News.
COBRA Says: The bottom of it eh Budish (name pronounced: BOOL – SHH – IT)? We don’t think so bud. You’re an appeaser. No worries, we’ll get to the “bottom of it” for ya with our “bottom line” below.
The Bottom Line: Weakness… You can’t be afraid to reprimand someone based on the color of their skin and you shouldn’t simply promote someone based on the color of their skin either. It’s obvious that Pinkney was promoted as Sheriff only to ease the unrest that was brewing in Cleveland over Tamir Rice’s shooting. Common sense there. There’s something seriously broken in this Country when people are hired simply because they are black or white, or they aren’t fired because of fear of a lawsuit or retaliation. That is not the way the system was designed or intended, that is a total fundamental breakdown of reason. ENTER [a lesser of two evils, ie; Pinkney or riot] TIMES (a period of time, ie; years) DIVIDED by {Corruption and Disbandment, ie; lack of unity in all ranks} = CERTAIN FAILURE. Fear & weakness perpetuated from those responsible, from those who are supposed to be bold and have courage to make decisions is both pathetic and disgraceful. Weakness…
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Who will step up and have the balls to even so much as reprimand Pinkney? Institutions such as the Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department are rife with corruption and nothing will be changed unless someone has the courage to do what needs to be done. Until then, expect more articles on Pinkney, the Cuyahoga County Jail and the Cuyahoga County Sheriffs Department 💯.
Hi I wish that you would check on a Sgt. By the name of layaway I had to leave because he would not stop pick with me I Had gone to the nnacp be what the problems was he had been wrote up three time I just got tired a left he is someone you need to check own.a lot of people have left because they tired of warden ivy and some of the supervisors they do want they to do because they no that people need there job a lot of them are dirt bag
Yeah, they pick and choose who they want to go after. They won’t hold Pinkney or other officials accountable for illegal acts, but they will go after a white deputy for some silly OLEG look ups. Glad to be gone. Upon completion of my degree program, I will soon obtain employment that pays better than $29.06 per hour, even with a corny F-5 Unauthorized Use charge. You can count on it.
Article left out the fact of all the rampant homosexual activity from the guys in the Bureau from the Doug Burkhart days…. sodomites!
Capt. Richard Peters
I wonder if Captain Richard Peters misses having sex with Dougie Burkhart? Secret came out as a result of careless, passionate words in the men’s locker room. Peters is a closet homosexual and sodomite, who has enjoyed many a ride on Dougies little fairy float out on Lake Erie with the other twinks in the Bureau, who did sexual stuff for Doug Berkhart to get their positions. Peters’s was Dougies little workplace girlfriend, a guy who earned his high position through sexual favors with Doug, instead of professional talent….. What a sodomite! The lake of fire awaits!
Me exposing your little secret, Peters, is payback for your cowardice and treachery. Next time, have the guts to look a Dep in the eyes at an arbitration hearing, instead of pretending they are the invisible Dep in the room. COWARD!! HOMO!! A brown-nosing Homofairy that burns with passion for the “closeness” of other men!
I won’t even get into whole Uncle Tom Detective Robinson.
Bitch don’t ever come for my father or Mrs. Melissa bitch ass page my dad was only at work Monday through Friday Ik cause I’m his daughter bitch and Ik my dads movement better than this bitch ass page Melissa use to do my hair as a kid they never slept together so move with this fake ass story to tear down my daddy’s image he earned his title