Erik Hanchosky is a deadbeat father, womanizer & business conman from North Ridgeville, Ohio. Mr. Hanchosky owns and operates the O.W.E Fitness Center located at 6001 Lear Nagle Rd., where men and women participate in classes that involve heavy hitting, lifting and high intensity interval training (H.I.I.T). Unbeknownst to the dozens of men & women that work out at his establishment, Erik is busy deceiving his clients, friends and family.
Update 8/2/2018: Eric Hanchosky has taken to social media in an effort to excuse his domestic violence history and the information contained within this article. This image here shows what the pillow looked like after he assaulted his ex-wife – other images have been obtained that show extreme bruising and welts across her body, but they have been withheld upon request. Mr. Hanchosky was convicted of domestic violence and is currently on 3 years probation for that event. He is behind by more than $15,000 in child support that we know of and has two additional children that he never sees. The facts, evidence and statements made from multiple women all point to one thing, what you are about to read is the truth…
On 6/25/2017 (Case No.: 2017CRB02429 / Elyria Municipal Court) Erik Hanchosky beat his wife within an inch of her life. Initially he was charged with felonious assault, but the charges were reduced to domestic violence. He was convicted, ordered to attend anger management counseling, 3 years probation and had to forfeit a firearm that was used during the assault. On 7/13/2018 (Case No.: 18NU084451 / Elyria Common Pleas) his then wife successfully reversed her name back to her maiden name and the Hanchosky divorce was finalized.
Erik Hanchosky is also in arrears more than $15,000 with his child support for two previous children from a past relationship. He’s a deadbeat father who has zero interest in taking care of the children that he fathered. He won’t so much as visit them, pay for school supplies or take them for a single day, let alone a weekend. In fact, Erik’s gone to such extreme lengths to hide his financials in order to evade paying child support that whilst doing so he has violated both State & perhaps even Federal law in the process.
It should be noted that the child support allotments listed above are for only 2 of his 4 children. He has T. who is 15, A., who is 9, K., who is 7 and E., who is approximately 2 years old. Rumors are that he owes almost $20,000 for his firstborn son T.
By failing to pay his child support through devious deceptions, he’s also involved in tax scams, illegal write-offs and a host of additional behind the scenes & closed doors operations to help fill his greedy little pockets. He also cannot legally move outside of the State of Ohio or traverse for prolonged periods. This would fall under the Federal rule 18 U.S.C. § 228 – Failure to pay legal child support obligations and is quoted as the following: “This statute prohibits individuals obligated to pay child support from crossing state lines or fleeing the country with the intent to avoid paying child support that has either been past due for more than 1 year or exceeds $5,000. (See 18 U.S.C. § 228(a)(2)). Any individual convicted of this crime may face up to 2 years in prison.”
COBRA Says: In a nutshell, this dude is a low-life. Anyone who has had issues with him failing to pay child support is urged to read this document provided by the Justice Department:
The O.W.E Front

Mr. Hanchosky’s O.W.E Fitness is registered in his mothers name, his house is in his mothers name, and we’re fairly certain that his red Camaro is also registered in his mothers name. He declares having zero income on his taxes – all in an elaborate and illegal scheme to deprive his two first born children from the much needed child support allotments. It is unknown whether the business PayPal associated with O.W.E is in his name or his mothers – we’d be willing to guess that it’s in his name. (submit the PayPal address used for O.W.E here)
FUN FACT: The Office of the Inspector General investigates cases where individuals owe more than $5,000 in back child support and have resorted to deceptive and manipulative means to conceal there income. Rumor has it that Mr. Hanchosky has never filed an income tax earnings report in the past 5 years. This also falls under Federal tax-evasion provisions, as he is clearly documented on public record as being the owner and operator of O.W.E #busted.
The Womanizer

Erik used to beat me often when he would drink.
A woman who had a serious relationship with Mr. Hanchosky in the past had this to say: “Erik used to beat me often when he would drink, threaten the kids verbally, he would get extremely irate. He’s a total momma’s boy who just uses his mom to bail him out of everything. Hides behind his mom religiously. Doesn’t care about his own kids, total deadbeat, smile in your face, charismatic guy, who will profusely deny ever physically abusing myself or the numerous other girls he’s been in relationships with. I’m living proof to the contrary!”
As if the above aforementioned isn’t bad enough. Erik Hanchosky has a lengthy history of violence against other women. One that has seen him literally beat girlfriend after girlfriend and wife after wife. Mr. Hanchosky is a womanizer, plain and simple.
FUN FACT: His new girlfriend just left her rich husband for him. How did the two meet? You guessed it, Erik trained her and her husband for the past 3 years and then she left her husband for him. I wonder if she even knows he has 2 additional kids or that he abuses women fairly regularly?
Any interested parties who wish to pursue the felony non-payment of child support through the courts are urged to call (440) 284-4500. Child Support Agencies are mandated by State & Federal law to enforce pre-existing child support orders.
NOT SO FUN FACT: His mother, Deborah Akin, is also acting and enabling her deadbeat son by placing businesses, assets and income in her name. Knowingly and willingly defrauding the State & Federal government in the process. Tssk… Tssk…
Aww Sh*t It’s August: It was’s 1 Year Anniversary on July 18th, 2018. As a result we’re dedicating the entire month of August to celebrate this monumental moment. This month we will be releasing more than 60 articles that have been with-held on local individuals, businesses and law enforcement in and around the Lorain County area.
The Bottom Line: Anyone who goes to the extreme lengths to deprive their natural children from much needed assistance, aid and parenting in life – should be publicly outed. In addition, anyone who continues to show zero remorse for the continued beat-downs (that have gone unreported to authorities) show’s zero compassion, respect or understanding for the opposite sex.
SCUMBAGGED Tip: If you’re a woman and work out at the O.W.E – you must keep in mind that you are enriching an individual who despises, abuses, beats, and corrupts women all across Lorain County. He might be a friendly guy, someone you went to school with or you might even workout at his gym or consider him to be a lifelong friend. The reality is all of those things shouldn’t stand in the way from what the reality really is as of this writing. If Erik Hanchosky continues to make deceptive moves in an effort to deliberately not support his biological children, abuses the women he has relationships with and takes deceptive steps to safeguard his own selfish and self-centered desires, why would you support someone like this? There’s ripple effects in life, and his ripples are far greater than a 1-hr workout class, they consist of lifelong commitments (children) that aren’t being met and treating the opposite sex with respect, values & morals.
Oh please this is a JOKE! Lol ohhh u didn’t do it wonder who did? Get a life! u bitches are so jealous of Erik and his new relationship trying to humiliate him or whatever it doin is pathetic!!not gonna work ! Everyone that matters knows this is bullshit and if u bitches continue to cause drama like this you both know where I live! Gayle I read ur comment and ur a liar and a little money hungry little bitch. Erik has custody or Elliott for a reason lol what mother doesn’t have her children!? U mess with my family and putting em out here like this with this dumb ass crazy stuff and now got me involved and ur lucky if I don’t come whip ur ass!
Your entire family is absolute trash
Glad he takes care of 1 out of 4 children.
Jenny you are nothing but white trash, stop defending your woman beating brother
There’s also a 2009 domestic violence charge in Lorain. Hope Shawna takes a self defense class!
Hey Jen YOU might be jealous of his girlfriend because we know how obsessed you are with your brother, but trust me no one else is. Try concerned for her safety, since the only thing separating her from a brutal assault however long it is until his next drunken rage. No one is dying to be with a deadbeat dad, habitual abuser of women, dumber than an ape (not to offend apes) overall loser who has to have everything in his mommy’s name including his bail bond.
And if you want to talk about an ass beating you, I’ll be happy to have that conversation with you. Then you’ll really get the full experience of dating your brother. I can pop by Antioch anytime if that’s still where you are.
This is crazy!! I used to go to that gym!
[…] an article removed regarding their son Erik Hanchosky. The article being referenced is “Erik Hanchosky: A Deadbeat Father, Womanizer & The O.W.E Front (North Ridgeville, Ohio)“. Which was published on 7/31/18 outlined his physical abuse, his refusal to see or support […]