Jesse Bender and Matt Kantura have been fighting and fighting and fighting and fighting and well you guessed it fighting. What exactly are they fighting for, or more precisely, who are they fighting over? A thot (thirsty hoe over there). Both of whom have apparently shared, shagged, bagged, dunked, dipped and saddled the Sasha “thot thot” Marie day after day, year after year and hole after hole. Sasha cheats on one with the other, the other with the one, one gets sloppy seconds, the other sloppy thirds (unknown individual enters prior to secondary insertion) and the game of tug of whore just goes on and on.
The fighting doesn’t appear to be ending anytime soon either. Rumors have swirled that yet another fight is being scheduled, this one dubbed “The Thot Tiebreaker”. So far the match stands at 1 win for Matt Kantura and 1 win for Jesse Bender.
Cobra Says: Drum roll please… In one corner, standing at 5 ft 10 and 187 pounds, we have the first baby daddy and standing in the other corner at 6 ft 1 and 203 pounds, we have the second baby daddy, also standing near ringside are friend #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 and #8 who will in the near or distant future be soon entering the ring as future baby daddies in the same fight. Ladies and gentlemen I now pronounce to you “THE TUG OF WHORE”.
Footage below shows how there was a little bit of a fight taking place, some people weren’t too happy about the sudden rushing of 10 individuals from the backside of a home, however, they allowed a fair fight (or potential fight/whatever you want to call this) to happen.
Watch The Video
Readers Note: Somebody called the cops over this catfight…. We won’t say who, but not cool, not cool…
Apparently these fights have gone on and been long drawn out. Arguments have ensued, shit talking, bashing online, offline, and all the while there’s Sasha Marie sitting right in the middle of things. Styling her hair, doing her nails, smiling in the face of the camera and raising her children. Sheesh what a nightmare for both of these guys.
Are you interested in who will win the final round? Are you going to bet some money on it? Cast your vote below as to who you think will “cum” (just had to use that verbiage there lol, couldn’t fuckn help it) out the victor!
The Bottom Line: Sadly this happens all across America – with unfaithful broads who just can’t contain their inner urges and sick desires. You know it all just boils down to whether someone is inertly just self-centered and selfish in the extreme and to be honest, once it has been discovered, why fight over it? Why not just walk away and leave the mess (because we assure you it’s a sloppy mess down there) alone?
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Bro’s before hoe’s. What the hell are you guys doing? You should be setting up some double penetration options or making some $$$ off of this shit (the fights, the fucking, the whole thing). Could make a porn site called