Laron (Ronnie) Wilson aka Devin is a walking std. Ronnie is spreading STD’s around the Akron & Cleveland Ohio area, two of which are permanent sexually transmitted diseases. Ronnie is spreading the highly contagious Genital Herpes to unsuspecting women as well as HPV. In the past he’s also spread other diseases such as Trichomoniasis and Chlamydia. I tried to make this post on Facebook dozens of times, but it always gets removed. Laron and his friends would report my post and my account would wind up being banned. I now have no choice but to publish this to the general public in an effort to inform everyone that Ronnie is having sex with or potentially trying to have sex with. You all deserve to know…
I was with Laron since 2013 and we went on to have our 1st son in 2015 (mind you I didn’t have herpes then). In 2016 when i was pregnant with our 2nd son I received an inbox from a fake FB account who turned out to be a girl named Kayle Warren. Kayle was telling me she has been with him since 2012 and how he gave her both HPV and herpes (see attached screenshots). So I went to get tested and sure enough I had it while i was pregnant with our second son. It was devastating to say the least.
HAWK Says: How hard is it to get a subscription to Valtrex and to be up front and honest with people? Herpes can do much more than just alter physical appearances, but has also been linked to blindness and even effects the brain. This is a serious disease that shouldn’t be shuttered behind closed doors.

Readers Note: Some screenshots have been restricted due to them displaying clearly the faces of children. If you submit an article, please be sure to blur out the faces of any juveniles, thank you!
When I blasted the situation on FB so many women came out to me and told me how he was trying to mess with them (2 of them actually got herpes from him as well) and they’re glad I exposed him. But as I mentioned earlier my FB post keeps getting removed and when Ronnie is questioned he will deny it to the fullest. Ask him to get tested – he won’t & he refuses.
I stayed with him thinking he would change and got pregnant again in 2017 and found out he cheated on me once again. This time he gave me the std “trich” (trichomoniasis) at the end of my pregnancy. I wound up leaving Ronnie when he cheated on me (again) this time with my neighbor. I’m being honest with my submission and never had herpes or HPV until he gave it to me.
I hope that this helps everyone out there who is being lied to by him or who might be lied to be him in the future. Just know that he isn’t just a cheater, but he’s also a walking STD, one that will infect you for life.
Related Submissions
In the past month there have now been a total of 4 submissions of individuals running rampant in Northeast Ohio with the alleged herpes virus and or more infectious diseases. Stay alert.
Suzy Johnson: Spreading Herpes Without Telling People & A Deadbeat Mom (Cleveland, OH)
Amanda Lee is Spreading Herpes & Not Telling Her Partners (Toledo to Lorain County)
The Bottom Line: There is no excuse to do this, boils down to being a selfish and self centered person. It’s beyond wrong and in fact this is a felony crime in the State of Ohio.
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Just stop being selfish and self centered scumbag’s people. If you stop, then you won’t be submitted. You have one life to live, live it righteously and honestly. With integrity and polish.
HIV/STI Prevention & Assistance: provides free condoms to anyone who needs them. In addition, they offer a free hotline and an online chat for anyone whom wishes to speak with them. If you or anyone you know has HIV, thinks that they may have HIV or any other sexually transmissable infections the website offers a plethora of information where you can find a local testing center, learn how you can help prevent HIV, finding support, getting free condoms & much more.
This is soo fucking crazy that I was informed about this n actually seen it for myself 😐🤣🤦🏻♀!! I’m so glad he’s finally been exposed to the world. he’s been ruining ALOT of women’s lives with his dirty dick n lies for A LONG LONG TIME ! We met almost 10 yrs ago n hes had Chlamydia back then as well (prolly born with it) cuz I was also infected by him AND ALSO found papers, hidden in his closet with him being tested positive n never told me once or didn’t even think about my health n protection smfh ! (only with Chlamydia tho , THANK YOU JESUS) he infected me 2 or 3 diff times thru out our 3 yr on n off “relationship” , the LAST straw was when I finally had the chance to go thru his phone (you know bcuz he ALWAYS kept it locked n silent the WHOLE 3 yrs smh , crazy right?) one night n he legit had 5 fucking gfs INCLUDING myself ! All these dating sites n accounts it was disgusting 🤢 n that ended back in 2012 (i was always the one he ran too after every break up promising me the world but I never went back jus friends) .. THEN finally the end of 2016 he contacted me for the last time … He came to my job bought me a phone shoes clothes EVERYTHING lol cuz that’s who Ronnie was he showed his love thru money n gifts smh, so I agreed to hangout as friends since I haven’t seen him in a long time 💁🏻🤦🏻♀ n was curious n how his life was going after we split. it was cool till he brought me back to his n his brothers apt n he starting crying (no lie ✋🏼) he started telling me how he never stopped loving me, he wants to be together, hes changed for the better , have more babies, his baby mama is crazy n won’t let him see his kids , he wants to move in together mommy n T miss you blah blah blahhhhh aaand one thing lead to another we had sex .. PROTECTED🔒 sex that is lmao n yes I was still clean afterwards thank you god 😇🙏 .. Last but not least he hits me with the “I’m having a baby next month” 😶😶😶 aaaand that was it for me I couldn’t be friends with him or even talk to him anymore after that bcuz I knew what it was, n it brought me back to the old times n it really hit me like this dude will never ever change .