Three weeks ago I went and saw a backpage escort that was posting ads online under the name of Hailey. I actually thought that the money I was going to spend would result in a fun time. Oh boy, was I ever wrong… Instead of a good time, I almost died, the girl set me up, I was hit twice with a hammer & robbed in an alley. Here’s what happened and yes this is a true story.
I found Hailey in the South Bend, Indiana, women for men section on She looked sexy to me, so I figured what the hell and decided to give her a call (574-222-4467). She said I could come to her house, that it would be just me and her and that I had nothing to worry about. She asked how long I wanted, I said an hour, she said it would be $140 and told me a time. I agreed. Everything she said sounded legit, so off I went.
When I pulled up to the house, I parked my car in the alley and walked to the front door. She was there waiting for me and the door was open. She looked a little strung out and I knew I should have left, but I wasn’t thinking with the right head, so I went inside anyways. When I got into the bedroom she asked me to set the money on the dresser, that’s when my near death experience was set into motion.

First I heard a noise, it sounded like a door was opening, but in all actuality it was foot steps of someone approaching the bedroom. She told me to relax and take off my clothes, instead I was putting my shoes back on and was just going to get the hell out of there – I knew that I had walked into something bad. I didn’t even have a chance to take a single step when in walked this tall, skinny, junkie with a hammer in his hand. He asked me what I was doing there, I told him and he said “this isn’t a sex for hire” service. He then instructed me to give him all of my money (while waving the hammer in my face) and to get the hell out of the house before he called the cops.
COBRA Says: I would be willing to bet that you’re not the only guy that has had this happen to him, the setup was too precise… They have been doing this for quite some time, the question is, was everyone else able to make it out alive or unharmed? I also wonder how many future victims there could potentially be…
“So, I wont lie, I started screaming for help at the top of my lungs.”
I told the dude he could “go fuck himself” and attempted to walk past him, that’s when he rammed me in the stomach with the butt of the hammer. I almost doubled over, but my adrenaline was flowing at this point and I started running to the front door. I did make it outside, but another guy came out of left field and tackled me to the ground. At this point in time I thought there was a pretty good chance I was going to die… You read about it all the time in the paper, the evening news and I just thought to myself, what a horrible damn way to die. So, I wont lie, I started screaming for help at the top of my lungs.

Not So Fun Fact: This scumbags still posting ads on Backpage, and she’s doing so almost every day. Most recent bump was on 8/21/2017 and under the same name.
My screaming ended abruptly when the guy with the hammer hit me square in my back, knocking the wind out of me. Then the two scumbags stole my wallet, my citizens watch and my cellphone.
I finally got up and got the hell out of there and was contemplating calling the police when I got back home. I opted not to do that, simply because I didn’t want to get arrested for my attempt in trying to hire a prostitute or whatever. What I did do was the next best thing 🙂 I hired a private investigator.
True Identities Revealed
The P.I. was able to find out the true identities of both the girl that set me up and the scumbag that hit me with the hammer. Below is the information that I was provided on my case.
- Hailey’s real name is Dawn Rushton, originally from Mishawaka, Indiana.
- Dawn is a heroin addicted piece of shit.
- Dawn lives at 914 Roberts St., South Bend, Indiana
- The guy that hit me with the hammer is her heroin addicted boyfriend.
- Her boyfriends name is Jamie Black.
- There are at least 3 confirmed reports of this happening to other people.

Additionally, both Dawn Rushton & Jamie Black have numerous charges in the St. Joseph County Municipal & Common Pleas Courts and Dawn even recently sold stolen items such as a trailer (without a title) on LetGo. She is currently attempting to sell more items, one being a Howard Miller grandfather clock on the site as we speak (which most of those items I presume are also more than likely stolen).
At the end of it all I’ve learned a valuable lesson from this near death experience of mine. Never again will I walk into ANY house without a loaded handgun, it’s that plain and simple. I’m also very thankful to have gotten away with minor scrapes and bruises. My money/wallet, watch and phone that I lost won’t ever be recovered, it’s undoubtedly been injected ten times over already, but I do have one little piece of satisfaction from all of this…
I’ve simply chosen to utilize my First Amendment right to do nothing more than expose this piece of garbage, hooker, whore, violent criminal, pathetic junkie, backpage & craigslist extraordinaire for what she truly is – a degenerate scumbag!
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Don’t contact this girl unless you plan on standing her up. It would be best to stay as far away as possible. To you, Dawn Rushton, check into a rehab, you’re living a dangerous life and doing highly illegal shit. What’s taking place in that house can’t go on forever, it would be wise to quit doing this before you attempt to do something to the wrong person. You won’t listen to any of this though, this article won’t even phase you, you feel invincible, the drug you’re using has made you feel this way, sadly, you’re going to wind up crashing and burning and “hammered” all the way down till you hit your rock bottom.
You go and check out her Facebook page and find a quote do on to others as you want them to do to you so it sounds like she wants someone to beat her with a hammer she’s just a drugged out little girl without any sense and we all know that she will end up in a grave due to a OD before she will even think about coming clean sad but true
Id go with a gun
I just ran this girl’s criminal background check. There is nothing on that name no pending or current criminal or civil. If you go back to 2012 or before there are some cases but none are in St. Joseph County Indiana. I’m not sure what is going on here maybe something happened but no cases pending or even current.
Poster please contact me at the South Bend Police Department 574-235-7501. You do not have to worry about any prosecution, we just need your help to hold these people accountable.
You, my friend, are a sex addict and they are heroin addicts. You ALL need to get your lives cleaned up. And the dumbest idea is to take a gun anywhere like that cuz you will have a HEAP of trouble almost guaranteed. So many things can go wrong. If you get a legal shot off you’ll have to 1st defend that shot in criminal court then you will be guaranteed to pay for that in civil court to the tune of tens or hundreds of thousands of $$$$.
Definately a severe heroin addict. This person brings Mega drama wherever she goes. She definitely needs help. Maybe someday she will check into rehab and get her life together.