Home News Scumbagged.com Homepage Redesign & Site Updates

Scumbagged.com Homepage Redesign & Site Updates


Scumbagged.com’s homepage has been redesigned to provide a better streamlined view.  We received numerous feedback regarding the distorted view of the images and text overlapping the articles in the big box display that we used previously.  As a result we did away with the block’s and went with a more traditional design – one that should enhance your reading experience.

In addition to the slight design change, we also added the “Opinion” section to the homepage as well as the 5 most recent comments.  Most recently comments are also visible on every page site wide now as well.  More features and functionality will be coming.  One thing that we plan on incorporating is a FB messenger bot that will allow you to contact us directly in a more streamlined approach for submission purposes.

If you have any recommendations or feedback for Scumbagged.com, please feel free to send your comments to us using the form below.



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