Maliesse Hamilton is a major alcoholic and cocaine addict, one who has chosen the drugs & alcohol over her own children. She was recently in sober living located in Vermillion at a place called Genesis on the Lake. She’s also been to a few rehab’s in Cleveland, Ohio – all to no avail. Her parents have continuously paid for her treatment and time after time she winds up getting kicked out or relapses. As of this writing she lives with her parents in Sheffield Lake, where she doesn’t pay any bills, barely spends any time with her children and treats her parents like they are her personal taxis.
Mom & Dad are officially fed up with Maliesse’s behavior! She makes wild claims that her kids are her world, yet she only see’s them on Friday’s. One day per week. She had filed for a 50/50 custody split but has yet to do anything her lawyer has informed her that she needs to do.
Some of the tasks that her attorney had set out for her to do in order to improve her chances of getting the 50/50 shared custody were some of the following:
- Following through with doctor appointments
- Taking her medications
- Staying out trouble
- Staying sober
- Getting a job

COBRA Says: Drugs can ruin people, families, communities. Addiction is a serious thing and we shouldn’t knock someone for trying. Granted, kids are in the picture so it’s truly time to stop being a selfish scumbag, there’s really no excuses once you have something far more important than yourself to live for. All of us grown-ups are living proof of that.
The Bottom Line
SCUMBAGGED Tip: If you don’t want to take care of your children, please don’t have children. Planned Parenthood provides free contraceptives, birth control, condoms, etc. You can also obtain free condoms from, they can be mailed directly to you at absolutely no cost. There is also a thing called “the day after pill” that can end a potential pregnancy. If you have children, there are no excuses as to continuing in your selfish and self-induced behaviors. You have to learn to live for something greater than yourself in life, otherwise life isn’t worth living.
Addict Help (warrant assistance, immediate placement): If you’re an addict and struggling with addiction, use the vital information listed below.
This one I definitely know. She actually is in alcohol recovery. Thank goodness for that! Her Husband’s Mother is a self-righteous, bible thumper from Church of the Open Whore. A lot of pious scumbags come from that “church.” Wonder if mama knows what her son is snorting and off of who ass he is snorting it off of.
Wow is all I can say. She is actually an amazing person who fell off and has picked herself back up and is stronger and better than ever. Her kids adore her and yet the dad and his parents refuse to let her spend enough time with them. Even though they beg to see mommy. She’s sober and will be happy once she gets 50/50 custody. She isn’t trying to shut dad out like he’s trying to shut her out. No one is perfect. Get off your high horse. I feel like I know who posted this. And if it’s who I think (her kids fathers mom) teresa hamilton. She’s so far from perfect. But uses the bible to try to make herself seem like a good person. I pray to god Maliesse wins the right to be a mom more than 2 days a week. She’s an amazing mom at that!
This is sandy surface. The only person who would rush to defend maliesse. Your daughter desiree scumbagged maliesse. I know, cause I know the person(s) she told to tip off “somebody” to call maliesse and tell her she was scumbagged. Your whole family is a scumbag. The whole town knows it.
Yeah about that 50/50 custody…. LOL! Looks like you lost. Yeah, drugs will do that for you.
All true!
She is back to using and prostituting herself out at local hotels in Elyria and Amherst
Beautiful Girl with a one of a kind soul, this girl loves her kids and life. Unfortunately addiction takes over and ruins just about everything. Shame on whoever posted this. She is not the first and most certainly wont be the last one battling addiction. We all know no matter how many tears we cry for our loved one to get better they wont or dont, it doesnt work like that. Doesnt mean this girl dont love her kids bc she wont get sober, it means shes pretty messed up, if it were that easy everyone would be able to do it. She will get it when the times right for HER and not anyone else. Just bc shes going through it now doesnt mean she wont sober up and turn her life around. Who are u to judge and publicly shame someone like this. If u know someone personally u might understand how someone got into this situation. Pray for her. I promise that will help her more than this public shaming.
Whoever posted this, please take it down.