Elyria, Ohio – Steve Campana, the Director of the Men’s Road to Hope housing facility located in Elyria crossed some serious legal and ethical lines this afternoon. At 1:30pm Campana reached out to a Lorain woman in a blatant attempt to purchase crack cocaine. In addition, Campana had obtained the woman’s identity through inner knowledge of a resident actively participating in his program at the Road to Hope. The woman he contacted was in fact one of his residents girlfriends. Screenshots of the conversation can be found further down.
In the conversation (which transpired through Facebook Messenger) Campana specifically asks the woman if she can get “hard” for him. Hard is a nickname for crack cocaine. He was immediately turned down. Later, he would go on on to state “I just do fucked up shit when I’m fucked up feeling like this. I fucked up now I want to stay fucked up. If ya can understand that.” He was ultimately advised to seek treatment immediately by the residents girlfriend.
COBRA Says: What a way to abuse power. Try to keep a couple away from each other then go and hit up the girl in an attempt to get some dope? From a position of trust and respect to the depths of despair. Well now you’ve been officially demoted, welcome to the world of Scumbags Steve, you deserve it…

UPDATE: It has been reported that Mr. Campana stepped down from his position as the Men’s Director today after having failed to show up for work.
The Screenshots
The Girlfriend

“it’s very aggravating because I am sober and it’s not right…”
The girlfriend clearly wasn’t having it and took a serious offense (as well she should have) regarding the absurd contact and request from the director. After she reached out to us and provided us with this story, we asked her why she thought he picked her to reach out to and if she was ever involved with the program in the past, her response as is follows.
“My boyfriend is living at the sober house and Steve kept telling my boyfriend and I to stop talking to each other not sure why they didn’t want us to talk but that was the rules. We didn’t really listen LOL because we still talk everyday. so at first I thought it was a setup and he was just harassing me but now I do know that he has actually relapsed. it’s very aggravating because I am sober and it’s not right of him to ask me to find him drugs especially because he KNOWS I’m sober.” She also went on to add, “I am trying to live my life the right way and I refuse to help him find drugs because like I said I’m sober”.
Readers Note: Scumbagged attempted to reach the Executive Director of Road to Hope, Jeffrey Kamms, for comment – but were unsuccessful.
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COBRA Says: Is it just me or is this shit starting to get out of hand with these local sober houses?
The Bottom Line
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Sober houses all across Lorain County are apparently coming under extreme scrutiny. Especially after the exposure of Primary Purpose in the past months. Common sense would lead someone to believe that you have a bunch of addicts and recovered addicts in the same proximity that there’s a good chance of some calamity occurring. It’s the perfect environment. If you’re in one of these sober houses, just remember to keep your personal life personal, focus on yourself and never underestimate the potential scumbaggery that could reside within someone. Never know, they could manipulate your wife or girlfriend behind your back.
SCUMBAGGED Opinion: Time to update those processes and protocols there Mr. Kamms, maybe you can prevent future directors and staff members from accosting your residents girlfriends, wives and mothers throughout the course of their recovery? Don’t you think they have enough to worry about? Also, how about starting with a bit more longevity in one’s recovery before placing them in a position of power. Perhaps that would be a good start to securing the business (which is what this is) and it’s residents that you operate. If changes aren’t made and mistakes – which is what we are sure that this will be declared, a mistake, then our readers will be there to expose each and every one of those mistakes.
Drug Addiction Information: If you, or anyone reading this has drug related issues of any kind you can check into a rehab for free courtesy of the Wellington Police Department. If you have misdemeanor warrants and even low level felonies you have a chance at still going to rehab if you’re upfront with them and truly seek a change. All you have to do is give them a call at: (440) 647-2244 or contact them via messenger on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Wellington-Police-Department-759508177392915/
This is very disturbing. Considering, when someone has relapsed how can we hold them accountable for doing “shitty things” such as reaching out to someone for drugs. I reach out to anyone for drugs when I’m getting High. This is cruel. Rather than calling Steve a scumbag OR entertaining this at all, maybe you should reach out to him and make sure he’s OKAY bc I bet you he’s beating himself up more than you ever could. Also, let’s talk about the fact THIS GIRL MORGAN SMITH isn’t even sober? She was kicked out of RTH for failing a drug test and is taking suboxone. She sounds like the scumbag to me. Steve is probably the best man I’ve ever met. In my life. I hope this comment outweighs this trash article.