Locked Up Edition – All inmates that are currently locked up in the Summit County Jail are featured within. Each inmate is accompanied with their mugshot, booking date, corresponding charge(s) as well as other identifying information. This list has been compiled by the Summit County Sheriff’s office and neither Scumbagged nor Lorain County Arrest Reports take responsibility for any errors, falsities or incorrect data that may or may not be published within.
It should also be noted that all inmates are considered innocent until proven guilty (unless sentenced and already previously convicted and serving time). This list does not and should not reflect a guilty individual unless they are sentenced for their crime, as many are still fighting their cases through the Summit County Court’s.
Readers Note: This list was last updated on 5/9/2019. Scumbagged and Lorain County Arrest reports will publish a new list every month in a new “Locked Up Edition” format.
Inmates & Mugshots Full List

The list contained below is in PDF format and can be viewed via a FlipBook. The flip book allows you to search for specific names as well as zoom, scale and traverse between pages. If you are having difficulty viewing the inmate list through the FlipBook on your mobile device, please view the list on a desktop computer. Alternatively you can view the 142 pages in .PDF format by downloading or viewing the file directly (link contained below FlipBook).
The FlipBook
Download: Summit County Jail Inmates 5/9/2019
Lorain County Arrest Reports
After you’ve finished viewing the Summit County Jail Inmates, be sure to visit the Lorain County Arrest Report page to see more inmates locked up in Lorain County.
- Locked Up in Lorain County (All Inmates)
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