SAN BERNARDINO, CALI – River Elias Gibbs, 24, who lives in the San Bernardino area groomed me for a whole year when I was a minor (I was a young teenager around 14 to be exact). He used to tell me he loved me and wanted to meet up someday and he used to call me pet names like baby, love and so on, his boyfriend at the time even knew about this and was perfectly okay with what he was doing.
River would tell me all about how amazing I was and how he wanted me so badly and was in love with me. Fast forward a few years later and I learned that he has groomed numerous other teens and children via Instagram for all this time. God knows how many he’s actually met up with. I never went to the cops because I feel like jail is too easy of a punishment for him. I feel like he needs to be exposed and his name blasted so he can realize how bad he’s screwing up not only his own life but those of innocent children who don’t deserve this.
HAWK Says: What a piece of shit. The local authorities will hopefully see this and begin monitoring his behavior. To the submitter, please re-consider contacting the police, you can save current and future victims from abuse!!!

Over time, his messages have gradually gotten more explicit and sexual (literally asking 13 year old boys upfront if they want to have sexual relations). Like he doesn’t even groom anymore, he just cuts right to the chase and when people confront him he says “age is just a number.” His Instagram is @river.gibbs he might look like an average Joe but trust me when I say that he is a P.O.S who deserves all hell to break loose on him.
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Individuals like River Gibbs who groom, prey and attempt (or successfully meet) underage children need to be taken off the streets and also have their internet privileges revoked without software installed. We hope that anyone in the community and anyone who knows this individual will confront and or report this behavior immediately.