WELLINGTON, OH – Caitilin Anderson has been getting used and abused for a long time, going on almost 9 years to be precise. Her heroin addiction helped to bring her down to the depths of despair, then came the meth, which only made her situation even more dire. Caitilin made an irreversible mistake when she allowed herself to be pimped by a man named Byron J. Larrosa (he has been featured on our site two times and you can find those articles here & here).
Since the beginning of 2016, Caitilin Anderson, also known as “April” on the once popular escort website, Backpage.com, began working for Mr. Larrosa. Larossa is a well known local area pimp who is notorious for feeding girls heroin, getting them addicted and then taking advantage of them sexually and monetarily. Together, the two were able to create an extensive criminal enterprise in the underground human trafficking network that exists in Cleveland, Ohio.
ARTICLE UPDATE: A few days after this article ran, on 3/22/2023 Anderson was arrested for an outstanding warrant in the Lorain County Jail.
Caitilin & Byron effectively recruited upwards of 30 different girls in the span of only a few years. Together they would lure women to their hotel’s with drugs or the promise of money, rides and a roof over their heads. These girls would then be sold for incalls (johns coming to them) at the Woodspring Suites in Avon for years, or with many being taken by Byron to outcalls (being driven to the john).

In the beginning, Caitilin was just like any other girl who was strung out on heroin. Byron met her through word of mouth and spent money to have sex with her. He then manipulated Caitilin by providing her with heroin, money & food. He befriended her and then began pimping her out on backpage and other popular websites. Within a few months, Byron fell in love with Caitilin and promoted her to a new position within his scheme. Caitilin was now the primary recruiter.

Caitilin was directly responsible for reaching out to girls and getting them to prostitute themselves, specifically girls that were in rehab or attempting to get sober. Their plan worked effortlessly. Caitilin would tell girls that she was sober and looking for sober friends to hang out with. These girls were avidly attempting to obtain sobriety and also looking for sober friends. Caitilin would invite them to hang out and once the girls arrived they would be given upwards of a half of gram of heroin and the opportunity to make money. These girls were extremely vulnerable and in the beginning stages of their sobriety and therefore easily taken advantage of.
READERS NOTE: Caitilin Anderson also engaged in human trafficking with Byron J. Larossa. Human Trafficking occurs in multiple ways, but in this case, it was when girls were taken across a state line to be sold for sex. In January of 2017 both Caitilin and another girl who she convinced to come with her, were driven by Mr. Larrosa to New York for a weekend where they were sold online.
Several girls almost died at the Woodspring Suites from overdoses. The cops were called to the hotel upwards of 5 times in a single month at the end of 2016. Yet, somehow, no one was ever arrested and Caitilin and Benny were still able to operate – even though the room was in his name.
One individual that overdosed is a girl named Haley Pooley. In this incident Mr. Larrosa gave Catilin $20 and in return she gave the girl heroin. Ms. Pooley, who was clean for quite some time up until this point. She snorted the drug and overdosed almost immediately. The paramedics had to support her through a process known as intubation, which kept enough oxygen going into her lungs and blood until the effects of the heroin were counteracted with the narcan they had administered.

Once the girls were high, Benny would then proceed to have sex with them. Afterwards, he would pay them in incremental amounts and inform them that they now owed him for the heroin that they had just consumed. Then he would take pictures and begin arranging for would be Johns to see them.
Many girls would upload their photos to the service “dropbox” at Benny & Caitilins request. Caitilin would make sure that each girl had their own dropbox account if they were working for more than a 2 week period (many girls would come and go).
For an example, Caitilin would show the girls her own drop-box account that Benny had set up for her. Below you can find all of the photos on Caitilin’s dropbox account as well as a direct link to the images.
Caitilin Anderson has since lost custody of her child, whom she had with Byron. Together the two of them have managed to destroy countless lives around them as well as their own. The couple have also recently (2022) been linked to prostitution with another heroin addict located on the east side of Cleveland. In this case the young woman is addicted to meth and heroin and is using Caitilin and Byron’s old long list of clients in order to generate revenue.
Caitilin Anderson aka April’s Dropbox
Readers Note: The dropbox account was then used to send to prospective johns. There are a total of 16 unique individual dropbox accounts that were submitted, however 14 have been removed due to the unknown identity of the girls and or of their ages. There are 2 more listed below however that have all been featured on our website.
Daisy & Nikky’s Dropbox
Caitilin is currently rumored to be pregnant with one of her clients babies. Mr. Larrosa is under the impression that the child is his, however, only a DNA test will truly confirm who the father of the child is. Ms. Anderson rarely, if ever, wore condoms during sex with anyone she was performing sex acts with.
Caitilin & Byron’s Conversation
SCUMBAGGED Tip: If you or anyone in the community is associating with Caitilin Anderson or Byron Larrosa proceed with caution. These two individuals are highly manipulative and will stop at nothing to achieve money. Don’t allow yourself or another loved one to fall prey to these two scumbags.
CENSORED RELEASE: This article is part of a censorship release. This article was originally published in 2017 but due to legal complaints the article was hidden from view.
Anybody else got anymore of this pics? some of those on Dropbox seem to be pretty interesting 🙂