
Scumbagged.com related news, official videos and any and all updates pertaining to our website.


Home News
Scumbagged.com related news, official videos and any and all updates pertaining to our website.

8/3/2023 Connectivity & Slider Issues Resolved

We've been having some uptime issues regarding our lite-speed service that hasn't been working with the server parameters and as...

4/7/2023 – New Features, New Sections & Main Menu Update

New features and sections can now be found throughout the site all of which will be outlined below.  Some of...

4/6/2023 – Page Updates & Article Submit Feature Back Online

Several page updates have occurred in the past few days.  The pages that have been updated are itemized below.  In...

4/5/2023 – Scumbagged Goes Advertisement Free

Scumbagged.com is now back to being advertisement free!  Our goal and underlying initiative isn't to make a profit off of...

4/4/2023 – SCUMBAGS.NET Acquired

Scumbagged has acquired the domain name "scumbags.net".  We will continue to acquire and allocate domain names that are relative to...

1/11/2023 – New Section “Blacklisted” And Other Updates

A new section featured on Scumbagged is called "Blacklisted" this section is for submissions that have one paragraph or less. ...

1/5/2023 – Scumbagged.com & Lorain County Arrest Reports Are Officially Back!

It is with a great pleasure to announce that the long awaited return and rebirth of Scumbagged has arrived.  When...

Scumbagged Update 5/10/2019 – V.I.P, New Sections & Developments

Scumbagged is currently undergoing a tremendous amount of updates on the frontend as well as behind the scenes.  We are...

Scumbagged.com Homepage Redesign & Site Updates

Scumbagged.com's homepage has been redesigned to provide a better streamlined view.  We received numerous feedback regarding the distorted view of...
good, bad ugly, businesses

Broadening Scumbagged: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Scumbagged will begin broadening it's scope.  So much negativity here - so we would like to try and put some...