David “Bad Business & Bad Brakes” Bowden is from the city of North Ridgeville, Ohio, where he currently still resides. He comes from a large family whom all for the most part are upstanding citizens and a staple of the community. Mr. Bowden also had a good reputation. He was heavily involved in sports in his youth, worked hard as a young adult, tended to stay away from drugs, crime and for the most part, nobody really had anything bad to say about David Bowden. That all changed when David began robbing individuals, engaging in theft of service scams & stealing their cars…
For starters David Bowden has a prolific alcohol problem. One that has been rumored to transcend into late night adventures, rendezvous with whores and signifies a life of excess with the inherent greed for more. More money to maintain the next drink, the next pill, the next line, the next party. One can only keep up and maintain a booze and “other” infused lifestyle for so long before everything comes tumbling down.
Bowden’s first infraction came when he picked up a vehicle from a North Ridgeville resident that he was supposed to work on. The individual who had contacted Mr. Bowden reached out to him based on his good reputation for fixing vehicles. After all, this was no complex job, all David had to do was a simple brake job. Upon his return with the vehicle a few hours later, David stated “your car is running fine, brakes are like brand new” and promptly accepted the payment for the job. That very same day the individual drove his vehicle only to find out that the brakes were never done and the car wasn’t even looked at. He had been robbed…

The Deceived: “I drove the vehicle and it was the exact same. I drove it to the local mechanic and he told me “nobody changed the brake pads or rotors, nothing was done”.”
“Upon digging around a bit I discovered that I wasn’t the only person that David Bowden had scammed out of money for not doing any work. Come to find out he had been doing this for quite some time in the North Ridgeville area. In fact, upwards of 30 times. I would compare him to Tony Lance, he’s another fucking Tony Lance!”
Readers Note: Interested in who the aforementioned Tony Lance is? Read the articles below when you get done with this article.
- Tony “Leave You Landscapeless” Lance – Serial Fraudster, Thief & Deadbeat
- Tony Lance: Landscaping Fraudster Now Facing Felony Title Fraud
There’s more individuals and more story’s regarding David Bowden. A few months ago, a Lorain resident allowed David Bowden to borrow his vehicle. David had stated that he just needed to borrow it for a day or so. The man let Mr. Bowden borrow the car, he had befriended him and thought David was a good guy. Unfortunately for the lender, a day or two turned into three days, a week and then a month, his car had vanished and David along with it…
The Lender: “David wouldn’t answer my phone calls, he just blatantly ignored me. Come to find out my car was parked, abandoned I should say, in the city of Cleveland on some side street with upwards of $300 in parking tickets and various violations. Haven’t heard from the piece of shit since he borrowed my car”.
Not So Fun Fact: David never bothered to pay the tickets and has yet to follow back up with the man who lent him the vehicle. He was also driving the individuals car with a warrant and a suspended license.
Legal Issues
David also had a recent spat with the law. One that saw him have a warrant out for his arrest for more than a 6 month period dated 2/6/2018 – 8/10/2018. In this case he was charged with “Operating a Motor Vehicle Under a Suspended License”.
HAWK Says: If anything are indicative of someone’s behavior, it’s when they get tangled up with the law. Regardless of how minor the situation, when someone has warrants for prolonged periods of time and cannot pay a $500 bond, somethings amiss.
Case#: 2018TRD01003 (Elyria Municipal Court Docket)
It should be noted that Mr. Bowden no longer works his a steady job as a mechanic, but has in fact changed jobs and is now working for a company that is most reminiscent of a pyramid or ponzi scheme (which is also illegal).

The Bottom Line: It’s safe to say that the David Bowden of today isn’t the David Bowden of yesterday. People change, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. Proceed with caution when conducting business with Mr. Bowden until further notice (article will be updated with any potential new submissions related to Mr. Bowden).
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Prepare for a resounding refute of this article from the friends & family of David Bowden. Up until this information was submitted no one would know the wiser. Such is the case with every submission. You’ve been warned…
Screw him. hes # 1 SCUM. He’s a big scum. He did work for my neighbor rear shocks. Bowden took the car, brought it back 2 hrs later and said $600 parts and labor. My neighbor paid him in full and my neighbor didn’t test drive the car because Bowden acted like a honest mechanic. The next day the rear end was making same noise. Which tells me he didn’t fix shit. The next day my neighbor tried calling Bowden and he didn’t answer nor he replied to his texts. Took it to another mechanic near by and they said shocks haven been touched. He’s a big theif. Then to find out from other people in the neighborhood that he was a master crook. Be aware of this scum. He will take your money and act like s fix and replaces parts in your car. Only people on drugs do this type of things. The. To find out that he is a heroin addict and a drunk. I’m glad you exposed this scum. Thank you
I knew not to deal with that guy. Something told me to go to a real mechanic. Thanks the lord I didn’t let him touch my car. That was a close one. Thank you
Wow. I can’t believe What some people would do for money. Scum!!
What a dickhead. He looks like a looser. He looks a doosh anyway.
He’s not even a real mechanic. He was charging people top dollar to fix the cars and would send it to his friend Matt and give Matt $20 buck for the labor and charge the customer 200 for not doing shit. He’s definitely known to screw people over. He is #1 Scumbag in North Ridgeville for sure. His new name Bad brake Dave. He’s a Theif. He deserves a big scumbag award for the biggest scum on earth. Congratulations bad brake Dave on your succession for being the biggest scum. Well deserved. Good job!
Dave is nothing but a coward. You played my grandfather when fixing his car. Charged him and you didn’t do shit and stopped answering my calls. How do you do that to an 89yr old man. Give us ate money back you jack ass Dave.
Wow. It amazes me how “bad brake job Dave” comes off as a nice guy and he’s doing this to so many people in the neighborhood. Scum!
Hey Dave what goes around comes around. You deserve to get exposed for your fraudulent acts..
well deserved!!!!🖕
He looks just like that fish he’s holding
Hey scum bag . You got what u deserve
lol, just what i thought. POS!!!!