Home Businesses Dubecky Landscape & Design LLC.: Scamming Customers, Employees & Vendors (North...

Dubecky Landscape & Design LLC.: Scamming Customers, Employees & Vendors (North Ridgeville, OH)


Dubecky Landscape & Design LLC., is owned and operated by a scammer named Nick Dubecky (see a full individual article specifically on Nick Dubecky here).  He was arrested on 10/22/2018 for passing bad checks, he’s been exposed for failure to pay employee wages totaling nearly $20,000 and has scammed customers & distributors out of roughly $100,000 total.

Dubecky Landscape & Design touts itself as a “trusted professional to make your vision a reality”. When in truth, the company does half ass jobs, has a plethora of negative reviews, civil litigation, criminal prosecutions and more.

Time and time again customers have complained about missed appointments, delays in project completion times, refusal’s to return to complete work, incomplete work, no-shows entirely.  The list goes on and on.  Vendors have ordered materials only to never have Dubecky Landscape & Design come and make the purchase, essentially stuffing them with the bill and leaving them with their hands tied.

COBRA Says:  It’s amazing that Dubecky Landscape & Design hasn’t been submitted prior, this company has a rap sheet and documented history going back almost 2 years of repeated offenses. 

Negative Reviews

Below are screenshots and documentation from Google & FaceBook as well as the Better Business Bureau related to some of the negative reviews that can be found regarding Dubecky Landscape & Design.


Google Review Gallery

*** No Facebook or Yelp business pages (gee we wonder why).

Civil & Criminal Cases

Court involvement seems to be ramping up against Dubecky Landscape & Design and it’s owner Nick Dubecky.  Those cases are outlined as follows:

Case Number:  2018CVE02095 (Elyria Municipal Court)

Case Number:  2018CRA02994 (Elyria Municipal Court)

Want to read more on the owner of Dubecky Landscape & Design?  Read an article exposing the owner Nick Dubecky below:


The Bottom Line:  Dubecky Landscape & Designs is a horrible landscaping company owned by an even more horrific owner.  Someone who doesn’t take their work seriously or value the customer has no right being in business, perhaps after this article he won’t be.

SCUMBAGGED Tip:  If you’re looking for a quality landscaping company to service your area call anyone aside from Dubecky Landscape & Designs if you want the job done right (or done at all).  You’ve been warned…



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