Law Enforcement

See exposed Police Officers, Chiefs, Judges, Corrections Officers, Wardens, Local City and County Jails for their various levels of corruption.  Scumbags exist in all walks of life and those who serve in law enforcement are not exempt. Are you interested in submitting a Scumbag who holds a position within Law Enforcement?  You can share your story and get the necessary information to the public by using our Article Submit Feature.

Law Enforcement

Home Law Enforcement
See exposed Police Officers, Chiefs, Judges, Corrections Officers, Wardens, Local City and County Jails for their various levels of corruption.  Scumbags exist in all walks of life and those who serve in law enforcement are not exempt. Are you interested in submitting a Scumbag who holds a position within Law Enforcement?  You can share your story and get the necessary information to the public by using our Article Submit Feature.

Cuyahoga County Jail Discrimination: Employee Rights Violated (Cleveland, Ohio)

The Cuyahoga County Jail has always been a gender specific facility. Meaning a male officer would supervise male inmates and...
warden fired

Eric Ivey, Cuyahoga County Jail Warden Fired: F.B.I & U.S. Marshall’s Find Civil...

Eric Ivey, the Warden of the Cuyahoga County Jail has allegedly been fired.  The County’s Union Director reported that he...

Cuyahoga County Jail C.O. Harassment & Violation of HIPAA Law (Cleveland, Ohio)

The Cuyahoga County Jail is in need of some serious readjustments. As an officer at this jail, I have been...

Scumbagged Exclusive: North Ridgeville Officer Groped Me When I was 16 [RECORDING] (North...

North Ridgeville, Ohio - Pat West, a 19 year veteran police officer with the North Ridgeville Police Department has been...

Police Chief Anthony Campo Exposed: Underground Gun Sales & Dark Secrets (Sheffield Lake,...

Anthony Campo, the Sheffield Lake Police Chief finds himself in the hot seat once again.  This article illustrates the Chiefs...

Warden Eric Ivey Exposed: Allegations Of Assaults On Inmates (Cleveland, Ohio)

Warden Eric Ivey, of the Cuyahoga County Jail has been at the center of many issues regarding the internal workings...
meth labs

Holy Mother of Meth: 1,195 Summit County Meth Lab’s Exposed (Summit County, OH)

Summit County, Ohio - Task Force Commanders throughout Ohio and surrounding states continue to note methamphetamine trafficking and usage. Targeting...

Cuyahoga County Jail Exposed: Leaked Letter To Executive Staff Discloses Life Threatening Issues...

On 12/18/2018 received a leaked letter from an anonymous source that was addressed to all executive staff members of...
Warden Coronavirus Cuyahoga County

Cuyahoga County Warden Quarantined: “He Circumvented Our Coronavirus Checkpoint After His Return Flight from...

CLEVELAND, OHIO - Greg Croucher, the Warden of the Cuyahoga County Jail has currently been placed in 7-14 day COVID-19...
ken mills

Ken Mills Exposed: Cronyism, Contract-Steering & Abuse of Power (Cuyahoga County, Ohio)

Ken Mills, the Cuyahoga County Regional Director of Corrections, has been exposed for cronyism, contract-steering & abuse of power.  An investigation...