Law Enforcement

See exposed Police Officers, Chiefs, Judges, Corrections Officers, Wardens, Local City and County Jails for their various levels of corruption.  Scumbags exist in all walks of life and those who serve in law enforcement are not exempt. Are you interested in submitting a Scumbag who holds a position within Law Enforcement?  You can share your story and get the necessary information to the public by using our Article Submit Feature.

Law Enforcement

Home Law Enforcement
See exposed Police Officers, Chiefs, Judges, Corrections Officers, Wardens, Local City and County Jails for their various levels of corruption.  Scumbags exist in all walks of life and those who serve in law enforcement are not exempt. Are you interested in submitting a Scumbag who holds a position within Law Enforcement?  You can share your story and get the necessary information to the public by using our Article Submit Feature.

Sheffield Lake Police Chief Exposed: Police Will Draw Guns During Minor Traffic Stops...

In Sheffield Lake, Ohio, citizens and would be passerby's can expect to get jolted when they get pulled over.  According...

Cuyahoga County Jail Discrimination: Employee Rights Violated (Cleveland, Ohio)

The Cuyahoga County Jail has always been a gender specific facility. Meaning a male officer would supervise male inmates and...

Columbus Police Exposed: Cops Caught Using Backpage & Paying For Sex (Columbus,...

The opinions and views of the nations law enforcement is as wide, vast and ever changing as the weather is...

Lorain Police Assist Child Abuser Patricia Wright: Threats & Warrants Issued (Lorain, Ohio)

Update 12/30/2017:  Lori Pinero of the Lorain County Task Force has been found (once again) issuing threats in an effort...
Cuyahoga County Jail

The Third World Country – Cuyahoga County Jail (Cleveland, Ohio)

Cuyahoga County Jail is the second largest jail in the state of Ohio and houses more than 26,000 inmates annually....
Amber Horvath, 24, sentenced to 30 days in jail.

Woman Who Gets Sober From Heroin Sentenced To 30 Days In Jail (Elyria, Ohio)

A 24 year old pregnant woman, Amber D. Horvath, of Lorain Ohio, was sentenced to serve 30 days in the...
Officer Freas assaulted Bryan Marlon on two separate occasions.

Corruption In North Ridgeville – The Cops & The Mayor (North Ridgeville, Ohio)

The corruption in North Ridgeville, Ohio, continues and is a frequent topic of conversation within the city.  Submissions have been flying...

A Serial Predator, A Coverup & A Mayor (North Ridgeville, Ohio)

In 2012 a 15 year old girl named Bryanna (name changed to protect her true identity) was enrolled at the...