A 55 year old pediatrician by the name of Dr. Theresa Boyd has been practicing medicine for more than 20 years in the state of Ohio. Her current office is located out of the Hillcrest Hospital in Beachwood and she occasionally works at the St. Vincent Charity Medical Center in Cleveland. She is one of 69 pediatrics at the Hillcrest location and only one of 2 at the St. Vincent location. She poses an immediate threat to all of her patients.
Dr. Boyd is a lifelong crack cocaine smoker. She smoked crack regularly during her college years and still, even while practicing as a doctor, occasionally dabbles with the hardcore narcotic. She sometimes will smoke weed as well, although one hit now and again, but the weed isn’t much of a problem…
Fun Fact: Dr. Boyd also surrounds herself with individuals whom partake in the same type of drug activity. She’s also been known to attend swinger parties and engage in high risk sexual behavior, which would place her health (strangely enough for a doctor) at risk!
In addition to her crack cocaine and random drug use she has also illegally prescribed the prescription drug “Adderall” (also referred to as “baby coke”) for some of her closest friends. She’s also prescribed antibiotics for other friends (all of whom never had a prescription). The antibiotics aren’t so bad, but the other stuff, not so good.
COBRA Says: These are her personal friends that she has allegedly done this for and it should be noted that they are not patients of hers. I’m thankful that my child isn’t under the care of this woman. Don’t really mind who she writes scripts for or how much bud she smokes, but the whole smoking crack thing while taking care of children patients, that’s just a bit too much.

Her husband is a diagnosed schizophrenic who thinks that the government is after him. She was caught telling a friend “We don’t live together, I literally sleep on the bed, the couch or the floor. I had a bedroom before Michelle made it into an office, so now I just sleep on her couch, or the foot of her bed.”
The doctor is a very socially awkward and strange woman. Some of her behavior shines an extremely bright light into her bizarre personality. The doctor (who is fairly wealthy) rents an art studio by the name of “Doubting Thomas Gallery” which is located in the Tremont area. The gallery is perhaps the most normal part of her life, after-all it’s art and perhaps her artistic side is what makes her strangely unique to others. However, her personal life cannot be over shadowed by any normal hobbies or functional work performance that she may have. Doctor Boyd is in love (deeply) with one of her friends, a woman whose real name is Michelle Cornell. Keeping in mind that the doctor is married, yet all of her friends are gay and she herself has multiple girlfriends. Alrighty then….
COBRA Says: Ones personal life really doesn’t matter, but when adding it all up, it’s apparent, there’s something wrong with this individual.

The doctor will stay with her friend Michelle for long periods of time. Sleeping at the foot of her bed, allowing Michelle to place a collar around her neck (see photo’s of the actual collar around her neck). Michelle, the doctors friend, is also a known coke-head who works as an accountant for a dentist. Her house is located in Ohio City off of 131st.
SCUMBAGGED Tip: Simply put, don’t let your child have her as a care provider. Regardless of the 20+ years of experience – it’s a risk. This woman is not fit to be a doctor. Someone please start administering some random drug tests and psychological exams in the Beachwood area pronto!
She is also an Anatomy and Physiology teacher both morning and nights. I would love to know when she has time to smoke all this crack in between being a practicing pediatrician and an A&P teacher. She will teach A&P mornings, go to take patients, and come back for evening classes. She is one of the only teachers currently at CIMM that takes it SERIOUS, helps us all learn, she is an amazing woman and an amazing teacher. Each lesson, yes each day as our curriculum moves quickly, she provides new supplements that she has made by hand to aid in our learning. From my own personal experience, I can only speak having her as a teacher, but I WISH I could send my niece to her for pediatric care based on what I see and her VAST VAST VAST knowledge. She inspires, helps students start careers, and is a fountain of knowledge. Dr. Boyd is incredible. Oh, and class time with her starts at 8:00AM and she is on your ass if you are late. I don’t know everything about her obviously, but a lot of traits, firsthand experience, and literally owing so much to her knowing what I do about anatomy and physiology, I would say no she is not some crack maven. This woman starts careers and was my saving grace at school considering some of my other teachers and staff half-assed it. Like I said, I know limited amounts about her but her PASSION for the kids and to help us adult students literally kept me going somedays when I myself didn’t wanna keep going. She’s a bright light.
She’s been my doctor for over 10 years. Always thought she was a little weird. But she never struck me as a crackhead. I’ve never had an issue with her as a patient & upon research she has 5 star ratings. I would love to know where this information comes from. . . As long as she keeps providing the good care she’s been providing for me I’ll still go to her. .
She feels in for my pediatrician. As far as her appearance may be a little scrungy but never would’ve imagined.
Like the previous posted, G, I was a student of Dr Boyd’s at CIMM and can attest to the Doctor’s integrity. This article is fictitious at best. I’ve known drug users and can tell you, Dr. Boyd is no crack head. She’s hard working, cares about her students and patients. Her and another teacher at CIMM are the only good thing about that place and are the reason I passed with a 4.0GPA. Is she socially awkward? Yes. She’s also extremely smart which makes you socially awkward. But a crack addict? Not in a million years.