
See exposed scumbags from the State of Ohio.


Home Scumbags Ohio
See exposed scumbags from the State of Ohio.
gas stations

Gas Stations Gone Wild: Crack Kits, Sex & Prostitution (North Ridgeville, Elyria &...

Gas stations are going wild in three local Cleveland suburbs.  The city of North Ridgeville is filled with an unprecedented...
jarrod miller

Jarrod “The Moron Mechanic” Miller – The World’s Worst Auto Mechanic (Lorain, Ohio)

Jarrod Miller is by far, hands down, one of the worlds worst auto mechanics.  So much so in fact, that...

Erik Hanchosky: A Deadbeat Father, Womanizer & The O.W.E Front (North Ridgeville, Ohio)

Erik Hanchosky is a deadbeat father, womanizer & business conman from North Ridgeville, Ohio.  Mr. Hanchosky owns and operates the...
Eshton Howard Cleveland moving

Hard Body Haulers Exposed: Local Moving Company Burglarizing Clients (Cleveland, Ohio)

Hard Body Haulers, a corrupt local moving company based out of Cleveland, Ohio, has been exposed for stalking, robbing and...
gangster wannabee

Noel Martinez – The Gangster Wannabee, Soon To Be Father of The Year (Lorain,...

Noel Martinez is a gangster wannabee who is soon to be father of the year in Lorain, Ohio.  He's about...
hell on earth

Hell On Earth: A Jail Operated By Demons That Compounds Evil (Cleveland, Ohio)

Regional Director of Corrections Ken Mills & Warden Eric Ivey have masterfully created the perfect "Hell on Earth" at the Cuyahoga...

The Copper Crack Heads: Fat Stevie and John Pettibone (Lorain, Ohio)

The copper crack heads of Lorain are none other than Fat Stevie & John Pettibone.  These bums go around and...
ken mills

Ken Mills Exposed: Cronyism, Contract-Steering & Abuse of Power (Cuyahoga County, Ohio)

Ken Mills, the Cuyahoga County Regional Director of Corrections, has been exposed for cronyism, contract-steering & abuse of power.  An investigation...
samual ober

The Cross Dressing Closet Shooter – Samual Ober (Elyria, Ohio)

Samual Ober is one nasty individual who owns not a single thing that is actually his. Over the years he...

Amanda Tabor – The Jealous Facebook Stalker (Rocky River, Ohio)

Amanda Tabor is from Rocky River, Ohio, and she has a huge jealousy problem.  If she see's someone that she...