
All Scumbags that have been featured on Scumbagged.com can be found here.  These are site-wide articles that fall into all categories.  You can also search by individual states from using the navigation and using the drop down option above.


Home Scumbags
All Scumbags that have been featured on Scumbagged.com can be found here.  These are site-wide articles that fall into all categories.  You can also search by individual states from using the navigation and using the drop down option above.

Cuyahoga County Jail Exposed: Leaked Letter To Executive Staff Discloses Life Threatening Issues...

On 12/18/2018 Scumbagged.com received a leaked letter from an anonymous source that was addressed to all executive staff members of...
mindy murray

Mindy Murray – The Toxic Waste and Walking Disgrace (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Mindy Murray is the #1 walking disgrace and toxic waste of human life in the state of Ohio.   Mindy is...

Mr. & Mrs. Grinch: How This Elyria Couple Stole More Than Christmas From...

Thirty days have now passed since the “Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser” where Dean & Rochelle Truskolaski (Mr. & Mrs. Grinch) stole Robert...
mayor holly brinda

Mayor Holly Brinda Exposed: Lies, Misappropriations & A Dying City (Elyria, OH)

Holly Brinda has served as the Mayor of Elyria for more than 7 years and during her time in office...

Julie Martinson (Blackford) – The Glass City’s Diseased Bareback Prostitute (Toledo, OH)

Julie Martinson is a 36 year old alleged prostitute from Toledo, Ohio (also known as "The Glass City").  Julie is...
suzy johnson

Suzy Johnson: Spreading Herpes Without Telling People & A Deadbeat Mom (Cleveland, OH)

Suzy Johnson is a 22 year old dead beat mom in Cleveland who was diagnosed with herpes over two years...

Amanda Lee is Spreading Herpes & Not Telling Her Partners (Toledo to Lorain County)

Amanda Lee is going around Toledo and Lorain County spreading herpes.  She's 30 years old and a junkie who's relapsed...
brian griffith

Brian Griffith Exposed (Again): Exposes Himself During A Racially Charged Tirade At A...

Brian Griffith, the owner of Sheffield Automotive Sales who was featured on Scumbagged.com months ago for a racist tirade he...

Tom Keenan, The Liberal Terrorist – Philadelphia’s Own Antifa Scumbag Indicted (Philadelphia, PA)

This fat scumbag, liberal terrorist was arrested and charged with 10 felony offenses for his alleged role in attacking two...

North Ridgeville Ohio Public Forum Facebook Group Exposed: A Cover-up, The Secret Agenda...

The North Ridgeville, Ohio, Public Forum Facebook group has been exposed.  The administrators and moderators of the group are heavily...